[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=00CED1]Mariana Garcia[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tumblr.com/2b22ad7790dc665acd04f2b75ee1488c/tumblr_inline_mk1ehhS9rg1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [I]Location: Room 307 - Hunter Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora[@Morose][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Mariana looked towards Aloise for a moment when she said that they weren't that far from meeting Hel at her location, she had heard of Springfield from other hunters. She didn't want to step foot in that place, but she didn't really have a choice to, running a hand through her hair looking over towards Robin. [color=00CED1]"I guess we should stalk up on some salt."[/color] She said, as her cousin walked over towards Aloise, she winced and flinched when Robin yanked the arrow out of the fellow hunter. Before Robin wrapped it up Mariana grabbed a nearby beer bottle and poured some of the alcohol onto the wound so that it wouldn't get infected. Mariana thought about either staying the night here or moving out now to their assigned location, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed the two other ladies for a moment. [color=00CED1]"I say we plan out here, I don't trust her location and dunno if she has some deadies being the goddess of death and all that in her ear around there if we plan to betray her. Sound good to you two?"[/color] Mariana asked eyeing both her cousin and Aloise.