[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180208/248db2e1e1a75cc3f203b301e1ace223.png[/img] [/center] Ethan followed Ka'ora closely, keeping an eye on everything around them. Once the fog rolled in, his guard was immediately turned up to eleven as he unlatched one of his knife pouches and allowed his marking to glow. He didn't like this, not one bit...His suspicions were immediately confirmed with the shaking of the ground and the loud shriek of a massive humanoid creature. Cupping his left hand and aiming directly at the creature reaching for his adopted mother, Ethan forcibly pulled in air from the surrounding fog...Only to let it disperse as the creature reared back and the group was forced to run to avoid being trampled. He kept the others in sight as best he could until they finally breached the fog to see the sprawling flooded cityscape. As the group prepared to settle down and camp Ethan began to relax slightly. After starting a fire, Ka'ora suddenly threw her spear directly towards Ethan impaling two zombies that were about to attack him. Immediately he was back on full alert Ethan immediately loosed a knife into a nearby zombie's head and fell into position around Vita. Pulling in as much air as he could without risking any collateral damage, he blasted a small group of six zombies, only managing to kill one or two while blowing the others back and knocking them down, tearing off a few limbs along the way. He threw knives into two of the others he had downed with the attack and chided himself slightly. His magical fighting style didn't really compliment fighting with allies all around him, so he needed to rely more on his weapons. Now using both hands, he reached into two separate pouches and gathered four knives in each hand as he took a more defensive stance. It seemed whatever these walking corpses were, destroying their head was the only way to keep them down...Luckily it looked like the rest of the group had already picked up on that as well.