[color=9BD9E3][center][h2]Arden Gaothaire[/h2] Interacting with: Bree [@Ellion][/center][/color] The room continued to fill, though the trickle of Gemmenites entering the dining hall was beginning to slow; everyone was almost gathered. Arden curiously wondered what would come next, there was no reason to gather all of them in the same place at the same time simply for to enjoy breakfast together while everyone came to terms with their grimacing fate. The Air Gem was so lost in thought that she almost didn’t realize a woman had approached her and had taken a seat in front of her. A faint expression of embarrassment appeared on Arden’s face but it was quickly replaced with her calm and collected one. [color=9BD9E3]"Pardon me, I was a little lost in thought there."[/color] Arden admitted with a playful undertone. She looked at the woman sitting in front of her, astonished at her beauty. It was clear as to why she was chosen for the Reaping. It made her question why herself was chosen, she hadn’t come to terms with the fact that she was freely living as a woman now. It was still odd for her not to wake up everyday and wrap her breasts or cut her hair regularly to keep it short. The older Gemmenite women that cared for her often described her as a hidden beauty, but it was something she still didn’t see in herself. Arden returned the sweet roll from her hand to her plate and drew her finger and thumb to her mouth, sucking the food off of them one after the other in an attempt to draw attention away from the realization that she had been staring at the girl for a fraction of time too long. [color=9BD9E3]"Bree, you said. How do you do. My name is Arden. Please, you are not being a pain, rather a pleasure."[/color] Arden smiled, her cool grey eyes meeting with Bree’s. [color=9BD9E3]"Ahh, the Drakkan that delivered that poor speech? No, I haven’t seen him. I imagine we were all gathered in the same place this morning for more than just breakfast though and I bet he will be making yet another [i]grand[/i] entrance."[/color] Sarcasm kissed her tone of voice when speaking about the speech-making Drakkan’s entrance. Although she made fun of it, she enjoyed knowing who was in charge. Arden grew up being taught the tongue of diplomacy and benefited from a fine education, a skill set she planned on abusing in her new life should she be paired with a Drakkan with political pull. What she was most curious about though was why was [i]this[/i] particular gem sitting and speaking with her and why was she asking about the speech-making Drakkan. Did Bree have a plan of her own, or was she just being friendly? Regardless, Arden knew very well that allies were important and necessary for survival. She knew it was too soon to be frank with the woman and fought the urge to simply negotiate a partnership, insinuating that Bree was speaking to her for a reason. Conversation would have to suffice until a proper opportunity arose. [color=9BD9E3]"I must ask, where does a beauty such as yourself come from? I was born in a city outside of Priseil Aldentine called Makani, have you heard of it?"[/color] She asked with confidence, not faltering at the flattery she used. Flattery was another skill that she possessed, an art she learned from years of pretending to be a man. An art she mastered, to be more precise. Arden understood what was too much and what was [i]just[/i] the right amount. She knew when to use it, how to use it, and was confident in using it, which sold her words more often than not. Though there was a piece of her that was not flattering the woman just for the sake of gaining something, Arden was being truthful. Bree was beautiful. [hider=summary]Arden thinks Bree is a babe and flirts with her a bit but is slightly suspicious of her intentions. She tries to engage her in conversation, hoping to use her diplomatic prowess at some point and form a partnership![/hider]