[color=f26522][h3][b]Anselmo Date: 2353-08-14 Location: The Wild World, Outpost ZT-141, ‘Treehouse’[/b][/h3] [/color] Suspended high in the treetops like some great dangling weights were the four QRTVs assigned to Corporal Andy Tabbet and team KV-73. They were hung by thick chains and steel cranes between the wooden platforms which were bolted deep into a multitude of the massive trees. The entire contraption felt far too complicated to Corporal Tabbet, as if the engineers behind it were overly concerned with a catastrophic failure and overcompensated to an unholy degree. It seemed to be the only metal part of the Treehouse, and even this small rigging weighed so much it sagged the nearby trees to an alarming degree. Without any hesitation Andy stepped between the wooden platform and metal rigging joining her lead QRTV to hang in space over the forest floor. A slight two foot gap separated the treehouse from the vehicle, but Andy traversed it without even glancing downwards towards the dizzying drop below. She’d done it three times before after all. Navigating the narrow space on the suspended metal platform Andy wove her way around the QRTV doing the final inspection of the vehicle and all its functions. From the turret to the engine and everything in-between. She performed the rudimentary and dull inspection with considerably less annoyance then she normally would have, Andy was practically humming as she topped off the engine oil. For the first time she’d been selected to join an elite team of Rangers and journey well beyond the wall and surrounding outposts. Potentially deep into the wild lands. But not only that, Corporal Tabbet had been given direct command over three other motor operators within Commander Cross’ team. The opportunity was monumental for a young NCO and Andy strongly suspected she’d receive her sergeant chevrons upon her return to Anselmo. Concluding her final checkup Andy joined her three operator subordinates on the wooden platform checking over their inspection sheets and ensuring everything was to satisfaction. Unlike the typical worn out gear provided to low grade operators back at Anselmo these vehicles were almost brand new, fresh off the assembly line. In fact, Andy was pretty sure besides a few test drives the trip to the Treehouse had been their first real journey. [i]And now,[/i] she thought as she made her way across to where Commander Cross and the rest of the team were assembling, [i]They’re about to make their first mission into the wild lands, just like me.[/i] Coming to a stop in the back row of the gathered men and women Corporal Tabbet didn’t bother introducing herself to Commander Cross, having already become acquainted with the Team’s leader in her week long stay at the Treehouse. She’d arrived early with the trucks and the other operators which gave her a slight edge on the need-to-know basis of the mission, and the Event. Despite having seen it six times before the Event never ceased to make Andy jump, shrink back and cover her ears. Such awesome power spoke wonders of the world they lived in, and most people would only tremble at the sight, unnerved and nonplused and hoping it never got any nearer. But not Team KV-73, or at least Andy hoped not, because they were heading straight towards it! The powerful residue of such a massive surge stirred her short hair as she slipped past the new arrivals, coughing politely to get Jake Cross’ attention. [color=f26522]“Commander Cross sir, the trucks are prepped and ready to be offloaded to the forest floor, whenever you give the command. We can be rolling out within an hour. Also truck three had extra fuel staged in its trailer, with the chow supplies shifted into the under-hull compartment of truck one, and I removed the inflatable jacket capacity to provide adequate space. It should give us two extra days of fuel time at the least. I gave the order for the change to be made, I didn’t think we’d be crossing any lakes according to the scouting reports, and we needed very last drop of fuel we could get. Anyway I need you to sign the release form for the quartermaster to confirm our trip ticket. There has to be an officer’s signature just in case we all die due to drowning, so he doesn’t get negative paperwork for improper equipment distribution.”[/color] Andy held out a small bundle of paperwork and ink pen for Commander Cross to sign, glancing around at the others gathered in close proximity. They were a strange bunch, but Rangers often were. They didn’t adhere to the more formal uniformity and attitude of the typical guardsman, instead appearing very unique in their dress and mannerisms. Andy felt slight trepidation at the prospect of transporting them all safely to the observation site, she hoped for their sake and her own that she was up to the task.