Riley looked around, her eyes darting this way and that. Panic had set in now. The objects littered the floor, they were useless to her. What's worse was the little mouse Dooa's near-constant shrieking, loud and shrill, that absolutely disrupted any attempt at thought. "Quiet, you," Riley hissed, not daring to do any more. She knew well enough that rodents, when shook, are vulnerable to having their necks break. Even for annoying ones, that is not a fate that any living creature deserves. Come on, think! Think! Should they hide under the blankets? No, it's folded up in the corner, and probably for a reason. Someone or somethings would see it was out of place and know something was up. Dive into the pillows? Perhaps . . . unless some horror wasn't looking where it was going and squashed the lot of them under their toes. "Lad, you got any ideas?" she asked, looking over to Arthur. Surely he must know something!