[hider=Brandon Whittaker - Queen of Swords] [center][h2][b]BRANDON WHITTAKER - QUEEN OF SWORDS[/b][/h2] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/d6/ce/46d6cefc33a8e866e5604d873da8a37d.jpg[/img] [hider=Mask and Costume of the Queen] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/c900/th/pre/f/2014/257/4/6/temporal_catharsis___cyber_plague_doctor_mask_by_twohornsunited-d7ieanh.png[/img] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/2d8d/th/pre/i/2013/308/6/f/black_and_red_cybergoth_by_mysteria_violent-d6t02gv.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr][hr] [b]Name[/b]: Brandon Whittaker; in vigilante persona, goes by "Queen of Swords" [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Appearance[/b]: For a guy, Brandon is oddly feminine. Dark-haired, light-skinned, and pale-eyed, "twink" would be the term to describe him based on his 170cm height - often dressing in dark, loose clothing in casual settings, he has a fondness for hair gel and makeup that borders on camp, not to mention a few bits of jewellery that often stand out compared to his outfit. Many people question his sexuality as a result. He also shaves his entire body very regularly, and has a lot of dark-coloured tights and gym shirts, though these are for legitimate gymnastics reasons rather than being mere fashion choices. As the Queen of Swords, his clothing is far more distinctive, and far more girlish, showing off a black-and-red cybergoth design that combines leather, cloth, and metal in a distractingly unforgettable fashion, and very subtly adds and subtracts curves in a way that makes his figure seem legitimately female. Combined with a red and black wig, held on by the straps of a pseudo-plague doctor mask glowing with red LEDs and bearing a voice shifter to make himself sound more feminine, it is extremely difficult to distinguish who is under all the clothing and gear. All that, of course, is to hide his true identity whilst he takes on the streets - or so it would seem, as he never crossdresses outside of acting as the Queen of Swords. [b]Personality[/b]: Normally, Brandon comes across as quite an amicable guy. He dedicates himself suitably to whatever work he is tasked with, usually some form of gymnastics practice, but also understands the need to give himself some downtime too, and isn't so fond of those who don't see the need to calm down at any point (though not to the point of hating them if not given a reason to). That said, he's very anti-drug use, and laments how many of his neighbours indulge themselves in such vices, often encouraging them to drop the drugs in order to improve their fitness. He's also the sort of person who truly believes that the bad side of human nature is something that will eventually be excised from the species, and he nominally espouses that this will be through humanity evolving itself beyond a need for such ill traits. As the Queen of Swords, the full depths of his delusions of grandeur come to the fore - in truth, he sees evil as something that must be dealt justice, and as evolution is very well known for being utterly random beyond whatever survives the breeding cycle, it is therefore true that evil humans must be taken out of the genepool by force rather than guile. He is fully willing to perform this work himself, considering the fact that he hears the Beat proof that he is worthy of this difficult task, and if other Beathearers oppose him, then evidently they have misjudged what they must do, or else fail to recognise what Brandon considers obvious. [b]History[/b]: Brandon was born into a decent enough family, but very frequently showed off tendencies toward more feminine pursuits; he never bore an aptitude for soccer or football, but loved to read and dance, was an avid theatre fan, and was very keen on gymnastics by the time he reached high school. Thus, he wound up being bullied very frequently throughout his years of education; in particular, one boy in high school found a target in Brandon, a boy who at some point developed the power to produce rocky spires to trip or hit people with. Whilst this was no fun for anyone else either, Brandon in particular often wished that boy would suffer some horrible accident, or that he'd suffer in such a way that he'd never bully anybody again. Brandon's wish would be answered one fateful day, when in the middle of a class he started hearing some sort of music in his head. It was dramatic and fast-paced, reminiscent of a lot of the shows he watched on television as a child, shows featuring heroes beating up the bad guys, shows where the heroes were always in the right. That music inspired Brandon, when he was confronted by that boy again during his lunch break, to kick the boy in the stomach, for which he got beaten up a bunch, though with surprisingly little injury after a quick check-up by the nurse. By the time he'd gotten out of the nurse's room, that boy's belly had split open in the middle of the schoolgrounds, spilling his organs in front of hundreds of screaming teenagers. The boy received prompt medical treatment and barely survived, but from then on was forced to use a colostomy bag, and- much as Brandon had wanted- never bullied anybody again. It took a few days for the gears to fit together, but Brandon eventually realised the truth: he'd done that. He'd manifested the Beat, and defeated somebody he considered evil. From then on, his self-image developed in a somewhat twisted fashion, boosting his confidence greatly, but leading to some vile conclusions. He'd gained the power to fight against evil and injustice; that evil hadn't been taken down by any legitimate systems to date; the fact he existed and could do it therefore meant he must in lieu of anything else; since the tools given to him obviously encouraged doing so in a violent fashion, he'd have to use violent means; and that was fine, as those with power regularly committed far worse acts on a regular basis. At some point, something in his brain stopped functioning properly, and by the time he graduated from high school, he'd managed to convince himself that people who performed evil acts weren't human enough to justify letting them live, meaning it was fine if he mutilated them, or even killed them. What wouldn't be fine would be what happened if he was discovered cutting people up willy-nilly. He had to do it, but he also had to avoid being seen doing it, at least as himself. He had to dissociate himself from such killings as much as possible... and how better to do so, he decided, than to pretend to be female when performing his deeds? Thus, as soon as he moved to a new town to be closer to his college of choice, he ordered a cybergoth outfit designed to make his frame seem feminine, complete with fake plague doctor mask to hide his features. Since then, every so often, reports have shown up in town about people being discovered missing limbs, disembowelled, and decapitated, not to mention far worse injuries; yet, all victims are visibly seen to have been in the act of committing a crime in the process, and so it happens that too many of those reports simply go unheeded, whether or not they could be followed up on to begin with... [hr][hr] [b]Beat Heard As[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8BYBaDz0Ic]Act[/url][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG8YdwCVZSc]ion[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCW1I7imqNo]orc[/url][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ET31df91Y]hes[/url][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLDvRcUht7I]tral.[/url] [b]Beathearer Type[/b]: Beatrunner [b]Beat Abilities[/b]: Generation of ultrasonic vibrations that, when suitably focused, allow him to disrupt molecular bonds on contact and consequently cut through nearly anything with his hands, feet, arms, and legs, even allowing up to a few minutes of delay before an actual cut is made if focused correctly. Substantially enhanced speed, durability, and awareness of his own body, possibly a side effect of his vibrations. Reduced need for sleep - about four hours a night is sufficient for him to remain fully alert. Modified response to potentially traumatic events, leaving him unaffected by the sight of extreme blood and gore. [hr][hr] [b]Employment[/b]: College student and aspiring professional gymnast - he hasn't decided upon Olympic or stage yet. [b]Accommodations[/b]: Three-room, relatively cheap apartment, about an hour's walk from college. Paid for by his parents on the understanding that he doesn't drop out. [b]Transport[/b]: Public or foot. Cars are expensive. [b]Skillset[/b]: Reasonably intelligent, with a particular bent toward kinaesthetic intelligence, providing a keen sense of balance regardless of the surface or his footwear. Extremely flexible, able to bend his body in graceful yet athletic postures. Able to leap quite a substantial distance into the air and land unharmed through a combination of his Beat-borne speed and gymnastic skill. [b]Anything Else[/b]: N/A [/center] [/hider]