[@Dealdric] Quinn chuckled as the two friends bickered playfully, trying not to move too much (again, a very pokey business) until he got the final silent, okay nod from Liz, accompanied by some good-natured snickering and whispering, he finally stepped off the dais. It felt good to laugh and be around fun people again. He'd been keeping his head down, trying not to interact with too many people his own age, or people at all for that matter, for awhile now, it felt good to let loose again, even if it was with relative strangers. He pulled his hoody back on, and pulled out his wallet, paying Liz. [quote=@Dealdric] [color=8dc73f]"I-sss- heard that-sss-! I sssee your going to make thisss a big deal-sss-!"[/color] she hissed, her teeth showing past her scaly lips. Liz giggled. "Looksss like your hissssing again! Haha!" [/quote] [color=a0410d]"I sincerely apologize, I never meant to impune your honor, Milady"[/color] For some reason Quinn just couldn't seem to help himself, so he stopped trying and continued [color=a0410d]"Perhaps you would let me make it up to you? I was going to go for a walk about town anyway, care to join me and we'll see if we can think of something?"[/color] Quinn offered his hand, his demeanor was playful but he had a feeling his eyes belied his true motive, after so long alone, he needed a friend.