[center][color=gray][h1]Dawkin Trustram[/h1][/color][/center] [center][sub][@PlatinumSkink][@Joshua Tamashii][/sub][/center] It at least seemed the aptly named Dumbdrio was content with the mischief it had caused for now. Dawkin gave Amelia one last evaluating look to ensure she was really alright before following after her through Route 6. He observed the presence of the curious Bunnelbys but had no interest in catching them, even if he wasn't obligated to help Amelia over himself. Actions: Hurry Along [hr] [center] [hider=Inventory] [b]Items[/b]: x1 Potion x4 Pokeball x2 Super-Potions x1 Escape rope x2 Repels x1 Awakening x1 Paralyze Heal x1 Antidote x1 Moon Stone [b]Pokédollars[/b]: 5545p.[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] [hider=Aron] [center]100% [/center] [b][u]Atlas[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Type: [/b]Steel/Rock [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/fd/Spr_5b_304.png[/img] [b]Species[/b]: Aron [b]Level[/b]: 11 [b]Personality:[/b] A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] Fill in as we go. Probably [b]Moves[/b]: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt, Metal Claw [b]Ability[/b]: Sturdy. Allows the pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. [b]Held Item[/b]: [/hider] [hider=Wooper] [center]100% [/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/78/194Wooper.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/lQ3oOD4.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Type[/b]: Water/Ground [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: [b]Level[/b]: 9 [b]Moves[/b]: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot [b]Ability[/b]: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. [b]Held Item[/b]: None.[/hider] [hider=Pichu] [center]100% [/center] [center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b9/172Pichu.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/njBD4kS.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Type[/b]: Electric [b]Personality[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: (Up to player.) [b]Level[/b]: 9 [b]Moves[/b]: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip [b]Ability[/b]: Static, may paralyze other Pokémon on contact. [b]Held Item[/b]: Dragon Scale. [/hider] [/hider] [/center]