[color=00a651][b]Mr. Mysterious Cultist - Outside The Hull[/b][/color] [i] "Her roots," she began, her voice breaking, "her roots are here, with us. I'm sorry fer your loss, but our loss is deeper. Simple as that."[/i] [i] Corrine paused, to realize people were still staring at her. "Ah...oh, I guess I mean...no. Ya can't have Avery." She looked around to the stony faces of the other harborfolk, and suddenly felt irritated. "Well, ain't I right?!"[/i] "Stop calling her Avery," The cultist snapped, his voice laden with anger. After a pause he then added, his voice becoming softer, but no less stern "..please. That is not her name. The body of the woman you hold....her name was...is...Alice. The designation given to her by her creators was AS-33, but Alice is the name she chose for herself. The face you see now on her...the face of your Avery...that is not the face she was given either, but it is the one that she took on. It was an attempt at peace...one that did not succeed." [i] "I have an question, well two actually" James stated with Brotherhood armour voice box echoing it down to the helmeted cultist "How did you know Avery was an synth? and do you know why it had replaced Avery?[/i] "Have you not figured it out by now?" The cultist asked matter-of-factly, perhaps even a bit surprised at the question, "The Synths of Acadia....and The Children of Atom.....even The Trappers..are as one now. United behind The One who leads us. One who will unite the island and bring lasting peace. Peace through The Mother of The Fog. Not through Atom...or through deception...but through The Mother. Who is The Mother?" The cultist spread his arms wide, and seemed to be cloaked in the rolling mist, "Look around you. She is everywhere. Accept her, and even the creatures of the island shall bow to you." The next question came from The Brotherhood soldier, [i] “How did the synths of the island become so intimate with you? How do synths living peacefully in Acadia or Far harbor just up in leave their homes and become fanatical cultists the next day? No, I think Corrine is right. Whatever Avery was, she was a member of a family here first.”[/i] "And how does a Grand Zealot of The Children of Atom cast off the faith he once was willing to kill and die for, that he [b][i]did [/i][/b]kill for, and instead embrace the new?" The Cultist responded, his tone was unwavering, "Perhaps it is because they were both shown a different path, a path that led them both to the end they desired. And besides..." The cultist stretched out his hand, and a large gulper slithered up from behind him, coming out of the fog and nuzzling its head in his palm, "After you've seen the things we have. It is quite hard to remain a non-believer." "People of Far Harbor!" The cultist suddenly yelled out, "Have you not wondered from where the Fog comes? Have you not wondered why it ebbs and flows like the tide? Have you never wondered why the creatures within dare not stray from its embrace, as a newborn might fear to stray from its mother? Have you never considered that it seemed to have a will of its own?" The cultist left the questions hanging in the air, leaving the townspeople to decide for themselves what the answer might be, "I have promised you a kindness for a kindness. Return Alice to us...return our sister, and we will do the same for you." The cultist turned around and nodded his head. Immediately a band of white-clad individuals stepped forth, the lower half of their robes and boots were caked with dirt. In their hands, they bore a simple wooden coffin. Gently, they laid it down before them. "Avery," The cultist uttered the name solemnly, "She belongs with her family."