[color=662d91]"From the information we were able to gather, it's like this all over now. Anywhere there were large populations before the apocalypse hit is swarmed by those things. There have been rumors of a group of scientists that were trying to reverse this zombie virus, but we haven't heard anymore about it. Who knows, maybe they'll succeed."[/color] Elibelle offered up the information freely, being open with Micah. [color=0054a6]"Major cities are dangerous, and not just from the infected. It's the survivors that are the true danger. Desperation brings out some of the worst in some and the best in others. People will do whatever they need to in order to survive, even if it means murdering others. I honestly can't say my group is much different. We don't go out with the intention of killing people, but if it's us or them they won't get far."[/color] Chase added, speaking to both of them but watching Micah. [color=0054a6]"You and your friend have nothing to fear from us so long as you two don't threaten us."[/color] [color=662d91]"Chase... Isn't that a little rough?"[/color] Elibelle asked hesitantly giving Micah an apologetic look. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoe let him go first with a sharp nod and proceeded to leap across once she had enough room. She hit the other roof and rolled once, ass over head, before popping to her feet quickly. Efficient, and practical with few wasted movements just like she had been trained for. [color=ed1c24]"Got it."[/color] Her response was short and to the point, her voice quiet. There was no point in making any more noise than absolutely necessary right at the moment until they got to somewhere safer. Moving through the house with her gun out, she checked around every corner quickly, pleased to find everything was silent as they moved through the house. Finding a side door with a window next to it, she grinned as she checked finding an empty alley on the other side. Quickly, she checked the door, finding it conveniently unlocked. The muzzle of her gun flicked first right then left as she checked to ensure the alley was empty. Once she was satisfied, she turned right once more and moved swiftly along the alley, stopping at the end to look and see what was going on in this direction before making a split second decision. [color=ed1c24]"This way."[/color] She whispered to Nev before dashing across the street and into another Alley. [color=ed1c24]"We're reach the others shortly."[/color]