[h2]Nero[/h2] The Emperor was beginning to get the feeling that she had seen her Master less over this past week than might have been expected, even in a facility of this size. She had been busy preparing what she could in the time available--medicines and the like, mostly, though it seemed unlikely that Servants would be getting injured much. Though if they [i]did[/i], at least she had ensured that the medicine wouldn't be bitter! It was hard to find many of the ingredients, but there were enough to make a start on some of the recipes from [i]Apicius[/i], and the blonde had made sure to make the potions and the like part of that... It was surprising how much the basket she was carrying could hold. However, following the directions to the briefing room treated her to a terrible cacophony. There was only one other person around who had as much of an interest in the arts as she did, and yet... why did she have to be so [i]bad[/i] at it? Not that this was terribly important at the moment, with Nero dramatically throwing open the door and making her presence known. Mostly by standing right in front of Elizabeth. Trying to talk [i]over[/i] the singing was a forlorn hope. "Lancer! This is not an auditorium!" She'd probably get the point once other people arrived. Or assume it was an audience.