[quote=@Sofaking Fancy] Complete with matching sweaters, cheesy sitcom music, and introductions that were really popular in the 90s where someone was looking at something entirely different and then sees the camera, acts mildly surprised, then smiles as their name comes on the screen. Compliment it with a really bad laugh track, and I think we have a modern miracle on our hand. [SOLDIER ENTERS LIVING ROOM FROM ASSUMED HARD DAY AT WORK WITH HAT AND BRIEFCASE FOR SOME REASON] [b]SOLDIER[/b] Man, today was tough. Supermutant? They should call them subparmutants. [CANNED LAUGHTER] [b]INTERCHANGEABLE WIFE[/b] Oh, dear. [GIVES KNOWING LOOK TO CAMERA] I may have thought on that longer than I should have. >_>' [/quote] [s]Not stolen from PMs with Tim at all. Toootally not. ... Credit goes to Tim.[/s] *T starts heading out the door dressed as Deckard from Blade Runner* "Alright, I'm off to the costume party." *Opens the door* *Joe stands outside, also dressed as Deckard* *Pause* "... Nice costume, T." "... Yeah, you too, Joe." *Laugh track* *Enter Rocket* "Looks like we got a couple of [i]replicants[/i] over here!" *LAUGHING INTENSIFIES*