Demetry ran her hand through her red hair, eyeing around the old apartment that she has claimed when she first came to this place. It was old, but still supported her at least. It had two rooms, a kitchen connected with a room with a couch that she slept on. It wasn't much, but she didn't need much. She liked here because a lot of the new-comers looked into the better houses to bunk at. Her stomache gave a growl, causing her to go look in the kitchen area to find something to eat. The cabinets were hollow as she ate the last piece of food she had the previous night. She shrugged it off, getting dressed out of her pj's and something more fitting, and headed out. She walked down the street, and after a few blocks she saw two people outside a building. [@KatherinWinter][@JImFromTheOfice] [i]'What's going on there?'[/i] She wondered. She had passed by the house a few times but she had never seen the one who claimed the area actually talk to anyone. The curiosity got to her, so she stopped her path and tried to listen to the conversation that they were having.