Kyra listened to Parum's plan and nodded her head. She was getting tired of sitting around on her thumbs anyways. [color=pink]"Works for me. I think I might know where you're talking about, so I'll keep eyes out on anyone looking for us."[/color] Before everyone would leave Kyra took her fingers to her lips and made a whistle that sounded like a bird call. [color=pink]"My father taught me that for hunting. It's a bird call we use to signal when we found prey. I'll use it to let you know if anyone might be coming."[/color] Kyra could do a few more whistles, but without some time to let them listen to each one they probably wouldn't realize the subtle differences between them. Or at least everyone but Torus wouldn't. He seems to know his way around animals. As the group split up Kyra left the tent to keep an eye around the camp. See how many people were coming and who might be eying her and her team. She knew there were a few so she kept an eye on them and needed to think of a few ways to distract them when it was time. Perhaps setting a tent on fire or poisoning the water. Something big that would need their attention. Kyra had a slight smile on her face just thinking about it but then she hid it. She can't let her intentions be known. Yet. [hider=Rolls] Perception for anyone watching Kyra or her friends = [url=]13[/url] [/hider]