I do not think anyone, including the South Koreans who held talks with the North Koreans first, expected for a moment any discussion of denuclearization to come up. Supposedly the North Koreans were the ones to bring it to the table, [@catchamber]. Regardless if they have even the slightest of intentions to do so, they are not the ones winning the points here and they will not be unless they go down that route. I doubt it is little more than a motion to curry some favor and have the hardline stance provided by the current administration back down, but they had no real winning options at the moment; the more missiles they fire or weapons they test, the more the United States and South Korea ready themselves and the larger penalties from world abroad come to play, the less they proliferate their arsenal the weaker they look. The difference being North Korea really has nothing but threats to back up their activity and appeasement, like with past administrations, is not going to happen.