[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ASbGuHS.png[/img][/center][hr] Just nothing would work! Stella sat restlessly wasting away at the library table for what felt like hours. She was awful at this sort of work— not that that was a surprise by any means. Stella always did her best work at home, but today was the one day she dared try something different. What a mistake. As time went on, Stella realized the endeavor might not have been an entirely fruitless venture at all. At least she could entertain herself as she clandestinely observed the goings-on of her fellow students. This might have been the first time since Stella had come to Shumi Island that those students got the chance to see her for more than a class period, but as Stella's time wasting went on, she realized she went wholly unrecognized. Was she surprised? No, of course not. She had barely talked to her classmates. Why would they approach her if she wasn't willing to make the effort? Stella shook the strangely self-critical thoughts from her head only to glance down towards her cellphone. Alongside the cruelty of her phone's blunt [i]'0 notifications'[/i] message, Stella was also hit with the realization that she hadn't looked at the clock in hours. A quick surveying glance around the library revealed that Stella was alone save for the idle librarian paying her no mind. The girl brought a hand up to rub her forehead a bit. As much as it was time wasted, Stella knew that nothing more interesting could have taken its place. Nonetheless, she started packing up like the time mattered and she had places to be. She'd have been ready to stand up and make haste for her apartment, but something halted her quick initiative to get out of school as quickly as possible. With all of her notebooks and supplies readily put away, one thing lingered on the table: a bulging envelope placed just next to where she was sitting. A quick glance left and right revealed no one to farther question about the origin and owner of the envelope. People had come and gone from the communal work table as Stella had been there. Had one of them left the envelope behind? Stella had only wished that it was only a case of misplaced belongings, as that would have meant she could just leave it for someone else to deal with, but the envelope was placed just next to where she was sitting. To place it there without her noticing was by no means an easy task. Matters were made more complex as Stella picked up the package, weighing its contents in her hands. It was then that she noticed the short command inscribed on the letter's reverse side. [i]"Open"[/i], just [i]"Open"[/i]. That was all she— or whoever the letter's intended recipient was meant to work with. With another quick glance towards the library's sole other occupant, Stella couldn't resist. Normally she would merely set down the envelope and continue on her way, but curiosity seemed to have finally got the best of her. After all, maybe the envelop was meant for her. Finally rising from the seat and starting towards the doors, she pried open the package... [hr] Stella sat up with an inelegant sigh of defeat. Still wrapped in innumerous blankets, she writhed a bit on her bed. [i]Another rude awakening just to go to school.[/i] That was Stella's cycle, and however much she wanted to break it, she had to get to Catalyst before her indulgence in her thoughts made her late. And so the cycle continued as Stella went about her day to day preparations with minimal haste around her tiny apartment. It was by no means a palace, but it contained all Stella needed to spend most of her life there. Of course, her mere presence in the minimalist, messy home constantly reminded her how much she yearned for change in her life. It was only an hour or so after her awakening from the escapist tales that played out in her dreams when Stella was at the doors ready to head off. The walk to Catalyst was short, but offered the student some time with her thoughts. It was in those moments of silent solace that Stella found herself thinking back to the plain envelope in her bag— now no longer sealed. [i]Cards... Just cards.[/i] After all that suspense and expectations, it was just a package with some obscure cards. Admittedly, Stella felt a little bad she'd taken it. Whoever was expecting the package would definitely have appreciated them more. She did think the cards [i]were[/i] interesting, but she was never a great TCG player. Stella continued to palm the envelope in her hands. For a moment, though, she paused in her stride just peering at the object in her hands. A closer glance revealed words scrawled on the inside of the envelope. It wasn't a long message, just a room number— something Stella could only decipher as being a method to find the package's original owner, and that was all she needed. As slow as the day was, that simple mission she had given herself— to return the cards— somehow made the whole day different. The cycle had been broken. Classes dragged, school children buzzed left and right, all was usual, but Stella had something to look forward to. Everything was just a bit more uplifted. So when her lunch finally ended, Stella didn't need to idle her hours away in the library or scurry home before she was bothered by another group of school-goers. She had her destination, and with haste she made her way there. Much to her surprise, it was just a plain common room. Nonetheless, this would be the place a club or group of friends would meet to play cards if they were there. Upon arrival, Stella was just able to glimpse another student, seemingly destined for the same destination. She paused, briefly checking that the room number was correct before stepping up to the door alongside the younger student, propping it open to allow entrance to the both of them. [i][color=cyan]"Sorry... Is there a club or something meeting here? I might have found something that someone lost..."[/color][/i]