[@PaulHaynek][@The Irish Tree] [color=00a651][b]Maria Falena[/b][/color] Maria quickly following behind Nephele making sure she was not left behind, As she made her way to the baths a bit happy that she could relax after what was a long and tiring day yesterday. Removing her dress and placing it some place safe form anyone stealing her clothing. Getting into the hot water enjoying how it felt on her body and her fluff, "This feels so...good.." She said softly to her dragon friend giggling softly. Her body relaxing when she suddenly heard something, Looking around the bath wondering if their was someone else in the bath. "Did you..see that? What was...that?" She said seeing something scurrying passed them, Standing up form where she was not even bothering to cover her lewd body. Her wings slightly flapping, She wondered what it was she was seeing the hiding under the bucket. She what this creature was.