[hider=Nyo Foekus][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjA2NzE5My5Ubmx2SUVadlpXdDFjdywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/death-star.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][center][i]"The Force will be with you, always."[/i][/center][hr] [indent][b]Name:[/b] Nyo Foekus. [b]Age:[/b] 16 Standard Years. [b]Homeworld:[/b] Syk-K. [b]Side and Rank:[/b] Rebellion / Self-Proclaimed Jedi. [b]Feats:[/b] Nyo received instruction in the Force from a stranger in hopes that he would the Rebellion when the chanced presented itself. From the perspective of his Master, Nyo held a strong connection to the Force. These are the abilities he learned from his Master. [list][*]Force Speed [*]Force Sense [*]Force Sight [*]Farseeing [*]Force Empathy [*]Mind Trick [*]Telekinesis[/list] [b]Biography[/b]: As a child, Nyo was well known as a delinquent and widely recognized as a bad omen. It was not often that peace remained when he was around. Things would break, people would feel hands around their chests or throats. His bad luck wasn't common but every generation a villager would be the center of odd activity. Nyo's mother refused to let her child be shunned and ignored. She spat in the face of tradition by refusing the village chief and [b]that[/b] costed her. During the raid on their cavern home, his mother did die but Nyo caused the dwelling to crumble in; killing well over six High-Warriors and one Spirit-Blade ( a respected fraud who claimed to see beyond the void or space). That truth spread far and fear stilled the villagers rage from then onwards. On his thirteenth-year-of-life, Nyo encountered a loosely robed stranger. This man stayed with him for a year. The first month he had taught Nyo the intricacies of Basic. By the third the Stranger had recognized the planet as a loose conduit for the Force. Force-sensitives weren't born but chosen by the Planet. His fourth, fifth, and sixth months were spent instructing young Nyo in the ways of the Force. He spoke wonders of a sect called the Jedi and hoped one day that Nyo would join the Rebellion and bring the Empire to its knees. His remaining half year was filled with lessons of the known galaxy, tellings of the current state of things, and hopes of what Nyo's future could mean in the long-run ... Then the Stranger left. Without a word of farewell to his Padawan. Nyo had known he had come to the Outer Rim in search of Force-sensitives but he never expected his Master would continue his search after so long with him. A standard year and many months later, Nyo would find a working by-gone space-vessel on his planet and leave Syk-K. A month afterwards, as if guided by the Force, he bumped into a Jedi heading to the Unknown Regions and convinces them to take him along.[/indent][/hider]