[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjI5OTQwMC5TbVYwSUZabGNtUmwuMAAAAA,,/uranium-mafia.regular.png[/img] [color=seagreen]✦[/color] Character Theme | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boHXXyJUE9U][color=seagreen]Team Player[/color][/url] ✦ [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/loquenworld/images/e/e2/Render_Hazama_Blazblue_chapeaux_cheveux_ver.png.48ab10d8b5741da777cb0db81340b963.png/revision/latest?cb=20150706021519&path-prefix=es[/img] [color=Seagreen]"[/color][i][color=silver]Come on, come on, come on! You're boring me; let's make this exciting![/color][/i][color=seagreen]"[/color][/center] [b][color=silver]General Information[/color][/b][hr][hr] [b][color=seagreen]Full Name[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Jet Verde[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Age[/color][/b] [indent][indent]21[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Birth Date[/color][/b] [indent][indent]13th of June[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Gender[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Male[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Sexuality[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Bisexual[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Species[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Snake Faunus[/indent][/indent] [b][color=silver]Appearance[/color][/b][hr][hr] [b][color=seagreen]Physical Appearance[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Jet has a very lean, lithe build and stands at around 6'2". Bolstering a sickly pale skin tone and smooth complexion, excluding the slick, chartreuse scales that line the back of his neck and spread down his shoulder blades into his lower back. His diamond shaped face is comprised of a sharp, angular jawline and strong features. Most notably are his eyes, which are a brilliant gold with long, slit irises. His lips are incredibly thin, concealing a peculiar oddity; that of an elongated, forked serpentine tongue. His hair is a mop of silky malachite that is purposefully disheveled. Jet is often referred to by his Faunus brethren as human passing. This means that he is able to hide his Faunus traits much easier than other's and be viewed as a full blooded human.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Attire[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Jet is a very smart dresser, even when facing off against Grimm opponents. While most fighters would prefer to wear clothes that allow for more freedom of movement, Jet's reliance on his semblance to fight as opposed to a weapon means he is able to take some liberties when it comes to fashion. Boasting a well tailored suit, comprised of a long sleeved white button up shirt, with emerald cuff-links pinned to each wrist. A long, black tie is tucked neatly into a grey vest with a golden chain reaching from below the right chest towards his right hip. Over this Jet dons a black suit jacket and a pair of black trousers with matching dress shoes. Atop his head rests a rumpled hat; a standout in his otherwise pristine outfit.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=silver]Personality[/color][/b][hr][hr] [b][color=seagreen]Suave, well-mannered and cunning.[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Jet is a sharp tongued charmer always looking for the next thrill. Brought up in the upper class, Jet was always taught that one can get far with good manners and a few words of flattery. This advice has served him well, especially where his romantic interests are concerned. Quick witted, Jet is able to talk his way out of almost any situation. He often finds himself needing this skill, due to a very prominent character defect. You see, Jet always finds himself in a state of incurable boredom. He often finds himself forgetting his manners once he grows tired of the person he's talking to, never able to sit still and listen to someone for more than ten seconds. He charges ahead without considering those around him, taking unnecessary risks just to spice things up. Jet always finds himself jumping from one idea to the next, never able to follow through with a project. To him, it just became too bothersome too quickly. He tends to come off as an egotistical jerk to many, only interested in his own exploits. He can be incredibly blunt and likes to stir others up just to see their reactions. Needless to say, Jet doesn't make the best team mate.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=silver]Combat Information[/color][/b][hr][hr] [b][color=seagreen]Aura Color[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Malachite[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Semblance[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Ouroboros | Jet's Semblance allows him to form Summoning Glyphs that fire a spectral chain with various uses. Multiple chains can be summoned at once and manipulated freely. Each chain has either a serpents head or tail at the end. The Serpent's head can latch onto anything, piercing it to be reeled in towards Jet or as an anchor for him to pull himself to. The Serpent's tail is a sharp, curved blade that allows for ranged attacks. [/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Weapon[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Ophiuchus | More of a tool than a weapon, Ophiuchus is an aura enhancing contraption that straps to the back of his right hand, secured with leather bands that coil around his wrist. The device uses a specially crafted lens that is able to focus even small amount of aura, strengthening the aura to be manipulated by Jet for his Semblance. With Ophiuchus, Jet is able to expend much more Aura than other hunters and keep himself in combat longer.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=seagreen]Fighting Style[/color][/b] [indent][indent]Jet is a controller when out on the field, foregoing raw destruction in exchange for being able to manipulate the fight from a distance. Striking at foes with his chains at range, re-positioning both himself and enemies as he deems necessary to offer a strategic advantage in battle. He can be a bit of a trickster when he fights, using his wits to deceive foes and redirect their attention from his allies.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=silver]Background[/color][/b][hr][hr] [color=seagreen][b]The young Prince had everything he could ever want. Where's the fun in that?[/b][/color] [indent][indent]Raised by a high brow, aristocratic family of hunters, Jet was born into a life of luxury. In his youth he freely abused the privilege he was born into to satisfy every little desire he had. Most would look at the life he had and be green with envy. Never wanting for anything, loving parents and the best education money could buy. In truth, Jet would have thought the same had he not burned through every possible leisurely escapade so quickly. Left with nothing new to try, Jet quickly grew frustrated in his surroundings. A spoiled brat pining to his parents for more, despite having the world at his fingertips. Instead of scolding him for being unappreciative, Jet's parents naively succumbed to his whims. Enlisting the service of an esteemed Huntress, Jet would receive his Huntsman training from no one but the very best. He played around with all manner of weapons and tools, but it was all for naught. Despite giving his best shot at it, he was completely incompetent with any kind of weaponry. Naturally he threw a fit, but no amount of tantrums could change the truth. As fate would have it, he would bloom later than most when his Semblance activated. Under the tutelage of the Huntress, Jet learnt to better control his aura and eventually enlisted the expertise of weapon smiths in order to create Ophiuchus; a tool that greatly enhances Aura Manipulation. Wielding his Semblance, Ouroboros, as skillfully as another Hunter would their weapon, Jet was able to fight on the level of his peers. When the Calm was disrupted by an onslaught of new Grimm, Jet saw not tragedy but an opportunity to prove himself as a Huntsman. Jet's family possessed the resources to defend and relocate themselves, so he did not suffer the losses of some. Yet despite this, he has set out into the new and dangerous world with the intention of killing as many Grimm as he can and earning his stripes.[/indent][/indent]