These are characters that are important for the story [hider=Miles Tramerus] Name: Miles Tramerus Age: 38 Homeworld: Coruscant Side and Rank: [color=cyan]Jedi/Leader of the Frontier Rebellion[/color] Feats: [b]Force Push[/b] Miles is pretty good with using Force Push [b]Force Telekenis[/b] [b]Force Heal[/b] [b]Saber Throw[/b] Biography: Miles was recruited into the Jedi Order. As a youngling he would be skilled in using the force. When The Gathering came he was gifted a green lightsaber, consular. In a few years he would be ranked as a padawan. He made connections with his masster: Ferra Sul. A twi'lek knight about his age at that time. Ferra was given a high rank due to her outstanding performance. Miles and Ferra fell in love together, attachment is not for the Jedi. Miles and Ferra soon enough had a daughter, she was raised and trained in private. However as the Clone Wars aroused Miles ascended into being a knight. Ferra and Miles was assigned together and they fought many enemies. However this all changed. As Order 66 was executed, Miles' daughter was killed as they were at the temple at time (To confess). Anakin Skywalker killed both of them. Angered by this Miles dueled with Anakin however being force to flee as more jedi get killed. Now he helped the rebels to defeat the empire. [/hider] More characters will arrive soon!