[center][i]Three Days Prior to the Dwemer Invasion...[/i] [sub][@Leidenschaft] & [@Greenie] & [@DearTrickster][/sub][/center] While this was a city that was well heard of, the truth was that Meg had never visited Cyrodiil before the expedition, and certainly not the Imperial City ever before it in her life. In fact, even though her father was born here, any knowledge she [i]had[/i] was hearsay from others rather than words from him. He'd always considered Riften his home and she supposed in a way that made sense; she'd bet a couple of septims that even if he decided to come back here again, he'd hardly recognize the place. If cities could change in less than a few years, then the thirty plus years since he had been there would probably shock him. Of course Meg didn't even have faint memories of a place like this, and while it was somewhat awe inspiring, the proud Nord in her was quick to remind her that Skyrim had much more beautiful and breathtaking spots. That aside, she was much aware of the fact that she could easily get lost in such a big city. When Rhea had bade them farewell after asking them to return in three days, the Nord woman was a little bemused, wondering what she should do. She was certain there were probably more inns and taverns that she could could, but she didn't really wish to rest or eat at the moment. She hadn't moved too far from where Rhea had left them, coming to a stop at the side of a busy street, seemingly lost in thought, though with enough sense to stay out of anyone's way. It just felt very strange, suddenly being alone and by herself. Not just strange... it felt uncomfortable. Maybe even incomplete. Meg bit her inner lip as her hand move up, grasping the amulet of Mara that she wore hidden under her tunic. It comforted her slightly, though she still felt a little hollow inside. It wasn’t five steps inside the Imperial City that Latro remembered why he liked it best when he was on the road. The bustling crowds choked the avenues shut almost and Latro felt himself slip into a steady aura of unease at the onslaught of completely unknown and uncaring people shuffling past him. He ducked out of the crowd as quickly as he could, putting a hand to the wall to center himself and perhaps find the strength to wade through the roiling human rivers once more to some place more quiet, like a small tavern or an inn. Out of the corner of his eye, a very much needed familiar face was alone, absent-mindedly fiddling with something around her neck. He stepped up to her, showing a palm in greeting and a soft smile, “How do you fare?” Broken out of her thoughts, Meg looked up, letting her hand fall loosely to her side. Recognizing Latro, she smiled a little more in relief than she'd want to show. "I wanna say I'm doin' good but..." She shrugged a shoulder before motioning in general at the city with her hand. "I've no idea where to start lookin' or walkin' ‘round here." A sheepish laugh escaped her before she continued. "Whiterun never seemed so intimidating, I can tell you that much." It seemed a silly thing to admit, but she hoped maybe the bard would understand what she was feeling. Latro shared in the laugh, somewhat relieved to find someone just as uncomfortable with the crowds as he was, “Being well-traveled has naught to do with loving everywhere you’ve been.” Latro frowned at the crowds, “Even Daggerfall is not as busy as this.” While Judena felt she was at home. Left to their own devices for a few days had immediately pulled on the want to return to the Arcane University. The city itself was her home away from home for many years while studying as an apprentice under the watchful eyes of her companions and ex-wife. Returning frequently to barter, share knowledge and recuperate. Others had split off with plans of their own but Judena hoped for some company, having grown used to having them as spotters. Helping others forage for food, always paired up with no risk of wandering off alone. She rather liked having that safety net of sharper minds around. Latro and Meg were out of sorts, looking the part of confused and lost already at the entrance. They would suitably need a guide. Judena waved, a head taller above the crowd. About to call out she stopped short, flipping through her logbook to ensure she had their names correct. In the past days travelling she slowly began to remember their names one by one with more reliability. Catching herself when it sounded off. “My friends…” She read, “Latro, Meg!” Judena excused herself through the crowd, smiling all the while. “By chance, I am hoping for some company while I make my way to the Arcane University. Would you both like to join me?” Meg had just been about to speak when she heard the familiar voice of Judena. This caused her to smile yet again; she quite liked the friendly argonian during their misadventure, and it was nice to see yet another friendly face. "Sounds like a treat to me," she replied, trying not to sound too eager. "Arcane University... I guess that means you're familiar with the city!" That would be a relief. Judena hummed happily, “Yes! I was once an apprentice studying here in the city, I know it as well as I would my own hands. What of you Latro?” “I’ve never been,” Latro smiled, “I’m looking forward to experiencing the city now that I’m with some friendly faces at last.” “Oh excellent, then please - follow me.” Judena said beckoning them, she began to walk skirting along side the crowd. Turning over her shoulder to speak to her young friends, “Even if we were separated I am easy to spot. I am sometimes quite pleased with how easy I am to find but I have found sneaking to be difficult for that very reason. To be small and light on one’s feet is a wonderful skill.” She turned back to observe the city as they walked through Talos Plaza, observing the masonry work, open business fronts and residential lots. “There are several places in the Imperial City that are worth visiting while we are here, the Arcane University is definitely one. While the Mages Guild has not existed for a few centuries, mages from all over Tameriel network, meet and study within its magnificent walls to this day. It acts as a safe haven and sanctuary instead of an institution. I do enjoy the atmosphere at the College of Winterhold as it stands, but the Arcane University holds a dear place in my heart.” She said then sighed with content. “I simply cannot express how excited I am to return. I have spent the past few years in Skyrim. Have you two ever ventured outside of the province before?” "Not me," Meg replied with a shake off her head. She seemed much more at ease now that both Judena and Latro were there alongside her. Strange how she had always been comfortable by herself when in the wilderness, but in a place as grand as this, bustling with life, being by herself seemed daunting. "I always roamed about Skyrim... I've been a traveller since I was a youngin, but never past the border. This-" she once again motioned with her hands towards the city in general "-is all new to me." She let out a breath before letting herself grin a little. "I'm pretty adaptable though, I'm sure I'll get used to here quick enough." [i]Hopefully[/I] “I’ve gallivanted about the North and West, mostly.” Latro said, eyes going about the crowds and architecture much more at ease now that Meg and Judena were with him. He’d never liked huge metropolises and Daggerfall was the largest city he’d been to until now, “I’m from Camlorn in High Rock, a small but peaceful place, but I’ve wandered about Tamriel for some years now, anywhere from Stros M’kai to Nibenay, but not this far south. I always thought the paintings and writings of the White-Gold city were playing it up, but now I can see even those left some things to the imagination.” “Now that I’ve experienced this kind of city, Daggerfall seems a hamlet in comparison. Have you ever been, Judena?” Latro asked. She replied brightly, “I can imagine I have, I just cannot remember at the present moment. I am sure I have it written down somewhere in this past year’s logbook. I make a habit of exploring historic or big landmarks in any of the provinces.” “Pardon me, kind sir.” She sidled out of the way of someone carrying a large crate over their shoulder. “I am honoured to be your guide today for your first time to the city. The metropolis reminds me of the bustling diversity in my home of Soulrest, Argonia. The port towns are generally safe for travellers to explore but the wilds beyond the city are very dangerous, my young friends. If you ever find yourself there, of course. I trust the pair of you have sense enough not to try something so foolish.” “Probably,” Meg chimed in with an inward laugh. “I like my livin’ state of being.” She was curious though… how different were the wilds beyond the city compared to the North? Surely it couldn’t be too dangerous? They rounded a corner and finally had full view of the White-Gold tower, she gestured with her spear, “If you are ever lost in the city with nowhere to turn to, look to the tower. It is the center of the city.” Taking a moment to take in it’s sight again as she had done on their travels from Jerell Mountain. The biggest landmark for miles and miles to see. “Apologies, what was the question again?” For a moment Meg was confused by the question about the question, and it quite clearly showed on her face as she looked away from the huge White-Gold tower and instead set her eyes on Judena. “Wait… oh, you mean the question Latro asked? But… you already replied him, remember?” It then clicked to her that this was probably more of the Argonian’s poor memory rearing its head, so she decided to elaborate a little. “He asked if you’d been to Daggerfall, and you replied that you might’ve but can’t remember.” Judena bobbed her head in understanding, “Ah yes, thank you. It is so easy to be distracted by the sights of the city. Very good.” She pulled out her logbook even while they walked she scratched something into the pages, looking up to the sun and telling the time. "You sure do lotsa writin'," Meg noted, half watching the path and more intrigued by the argobian's note taking. "I s'pose that's part of what they teach you in magic school's, eh?" She couldn't help but think of her own rather messy and faulty penmanship. "My Pa taught me some but it was harder to learn than other stuff." She chuckled sheepishly, thinking of her days in Riften, when her mind was more on learning to pick locks than the meagre time her father attempted to teach her to read and write. Judena looked to Meg, “My mother and father taught us, my siblings and I - our words and numbers. Jel, then the common language of men and mer.” She finished a bullet point. “I do not mean to impose or assume you do not have plans or business, if you are interested Meg, you are free to spend your time in the city at the University. There I can help you brush up on your literacy skills. Perhaps with practice writing a letter?” Judena offered, sensing some opportunity to teach. Literacy was the way to knowledge and empowerment. Accidents and damaged memory couldn’t take it away from Judena. Surprised by the offer yet pleased as well, Meg gave Judena a decisive nod. “Honestly, that sounds pretty great, thanks for the offer. I could do with some practice…” Her voice trailed as she thought of how long it had been since she'd written to her father. Would he be pleased or indifferent that she was all the way in Imperial City? “And aye, there are some letters I could do with sendin’.” Judena nodded enthusiastically. They arrived to the University, spending time exploring the grounds Judena as their guide. Jude spoke of it’s history, her time studying with her friends. Promising again to Meg she’d have time to brush up on her writing skills. When Latro and Meg decided to move on Judena armed them with quickly drawn maps of the city, making note of various areas of the city they should explore or stay away from. In truth Judena was glad to have some time to see to her own affairs, she was sure she’d see them again before the dawn of the third day.