[@lavulman][@bobert778] "I'm going to be entirely honest here, I'm not sure what you mean when you say con." Sage said nervously. "But there is definitely something down there, and it's following the vibrations from [i]her[/i] staff." As he said this, he pointed to Tirnea. He was beginning to get worried now. He could see that the woman with the hammer was beginning to suspicious as well, and the other one… Well, it was pretty clear that she hadn't been a fan since the start! "A-Anyway, listen. If it [i]really[/i] isn't anyones familiar, then it's a danger to the people here. I might be able to use some of the roots deeper underground to restrain it, but I won't if I can get an assurance that it really is one of your familiars. So please, you know, if it is… Just let me know! Because as I just mentioned, I'm looking for mages with them! Someone who is willing to learn! Someone who would work in tandem with nature! So seriously, [i]just say it now[/i]." As he spoke, he made a point of maintaining eye contact with Tirnea. There was no way it wasn't her familiar, it was following her every move!