[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Deeper%20Than%20The%20Sands:%20Chapter%20One&name=prinp___.ttf&size=30&style_color=f7976a[/img][hr][@rivaan] [@Morose] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@Sigil] [@ONL][hr][h3][b][color=f7976a]October 4th, 1924 - 6:45 Local Time[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][/center] [b][color=f7976a][u]Museum:[/u][/color][/b] "No, he's too anal for that," Neema said quietly as she made sure her khopesh was clear of the folds of her skirt. She had known the man since they were about the age of the very woman she was speaking too, perhaps even younger. He didn't leave doors open, hell he didn't like leaving a cabinet open when he was in it. Looking over at Mosi Akhmed nodded before going over to the curator and letting him know what was going on. "Someone, came bursting out of the museum after the doors were locked and we did our final sweep. Only guests should be those that came in to help Lady Munn." He went on to explain a bit more and the curator quirked a brow. Neema took a step back. "Of course, gentlemen first," she said and gestured towards the door. She wasn't going to deny the major his request as it were. She doubted there was anything in there at this point. "I see, well let us go and do the rounds," the curator said as he looked between the two of them. "I will check the administration area, you check the main exhibits to start. We will meet at the archives," the Curator stated before heading back towards his office. Akhmed nodded and motioned for Mosi to follow him. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f7976a]Vera[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/a5/51/42a5512c1568ebf7eeb11045b7db0146.gif[/img][hr][b][i][color=f7976a]Location: [/color][/i][/b] Heading West Towards The Egyptian Museum [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center][hr] [color=f7976a]"It must be. There has to be a logical explanation for all of this. A science perhaps that is yet to be explored. The Egyptians were dealing with mathematics, sciences, and more that we have only started to understand as a species once again."[/color] Vera kept walking as she spoke. It was good that the people around her were more observant to what was going on around them because Vera wasn't paying any attention. She was lost in the conversation and the ideas going through her head. It hadn't even crossed her mind that they sill hadn't seen any sign of Peter or George since they were dropped off at the Permit office nearly an our ago. [color=f7976a]"It must be something. I refuse to believe there is any hokum involved. Spirits, gods, psshaw. These are just words for the uneducated to stamp on things they either cannot explain or refuse to accept a reasonable answer for. It was not that long ago that people believed the world was flat and the Earth was the center of the universe."[/color] So many in the past had chalked up various things to the gods or magic or anything else just because they couldn't explain it for themselves. Vera refused to believe in anything she could not see or touch or explain reasonably using science. Crossing the street, it was a miracle that she had not been hit by something or run into someone at this point. She would trip every so often but the woman was rather good at catching herself. She wasn't as clumsy as she was when she was around Mr. Drake that was for sure but it was obvious by the scuffed up condition of her shoes that stumbling was a common thing for the woman.