[b]7:34 PM[/b] Lily stared blandly at the chaos unfolding before her, adjusting her suit and no worse for the wear after the stunt. There had not been much time to kickass, apparently. As flawed and annoying some of the former girls had grown, the instinct to fight monsters, bicker later was still running strong. The alcohol of her system healed and flushed, she spun her wand in a combat stance, her eyes eyeing the gathering of girls. Glorious clusterfuck if they ever saw one, as she eyed Emily in the dress once more. She remembered the first time they had gone all together, and how the dress seemed to look on her. Now, it looked atrocious. On everyone but herself, a stark reminder that, she alone, was still the only one who looked like a proper magical girl. Even though Justice Heart was long and done, it was at least a bit heartwarming that despite these issues they had still enough moral compass to tackle monsters before their personal problems. She narrowed her eyes, trying to scan for clues, her healing magic at standby. She gritted her teeth. "Somehow I doubt this is over, stay sharp." She blurted out. After years of dealing with crime, she knew that dropping one's guard was inviting failure. She grimaced, hoping that the reinforcements behaved. Isana was a selfish bitch, and Alice just had that stupid habit of treating Lily as either a doll or a kid, whichever she fancied. But well, Carrie was there. She was kind of reliable. Unlike Emily at times. Her sight lingered on her a bit too much, before making a sort of introspection. [i]Why here, and why now? And why does it seem like the monsters are actually matched to our abilities?[/i]