[center][h2][color=ffffff]METEORA ÖSTERREICH[/color][/h2][/center][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]"How come—" Meteora almost jumped out of her seat in the UN Assembly once they were invaded by none other than Altair as well as a second someone that she had a good idea of who it could be, thanks to her prior research on the ghost girl named Youmu. "This is the absolute worst case scenario. Or maybe, not," she thought out loud as the Mop-haired Princess made her declarations. While all hell broke loose in the conference room that suddenly felt too small for all those people, Meteora reached for the Book of a Thousand Miles and flipped its pages with the kind of practiced skill that only a genius mage was capable of. [i]"Here it's,"[/i] she thought as she found the spell she was looking for. [i]"That may as well be exactly what we needed to begin piecing this mystery together."[/i] Instead of unleashing any flashy magic, Meteora focused her attention on the chaos around her and used a spell to tidy up things in her vicinity. The same spell that failed when she tried to use it on Souta's room because the other world's reality rejected it. Altair's presence raised some questions in her head and, before answering any of them, she needed to know to what extent her presence had affected this world. While Meteora waited to see if the chaotic scenery was going to fix itself with her magic, Sanaki's imperious declaration got her attention. She agreed with most of what the smallish empress said, except that she missed one crucial detail that Meteora just thought about. "Mister Secretary, and Representatives, as someone who went through a similar scenario before, I agree with Sanaki's words: Now isn't the time to panic. Instead of it, you should come together to find a solution to this problem and, more importantly, you should ask yourselves: 'Is our world really the real one and, would we defend it even if we are someone else's creation?' If you cannot answer these questions sincerely, you have no hopes of defeating the likes of Altair who thrive on other's doubts. Most of us have something to protect that is worth more than our own lives—that's what Creations such as us are made to be, examples to inspire you— but..." "...Do you have the resolve as well?" [hr]