[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=998849]"You must NEVER go back."[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrbz23LZTh1qjrhi3.gif[/img][hr][/center][hr] [i]We have rules and we have them for a reason yet some always believe that the rules do not apply to them. That they are special and deserve a different chance than the rest of those that have come before them. It is foolish. It is ego. It brings about more ends than perhaps anything outside of religion on this planet. It is sad but it is true. There is a price to pay and it is a heavy one. Now don't look at me. I wasn't the one that broke the rules and I wasn't the one that dealt the punishment. The world did that. The balance was thrown off and balance must be restored. It has been restored. How? Well, let's see.[/i] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=ed145b]Alicia Gonzalez[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4de08da34ecf13bf3a10bd19a2b4ecde/tumblr_mm3fghzmPn1qd1s6no8_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=ed145b]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp - Front Porch Kitchen House -> Road Heading Towards Servants Quarters [b][color=ed145b]Skills:[/color][/b] Empathy[/center][hr] Alicia perked a brow, she wasn't expecting that. The way the girl just dropped the way she did, it was like someone had just taken her out. Sniper style. Yet she knew that wasn't it. Alicia might not have been the most verbally supportive person on the planet but she did have something that most didn't. Empathy. True empathy. She could read people like a book on their emotions. She knew how they were feeling better than they did. She didn't have any of those mental filters a person had when they were trying to deny what they were feeling. When Alicia used her Empathy she felt their emotions in their truest form. And Sophia was overwhelmed. Completely and totally overwhelmed. [color=ed145b]"Well shit, bitch just got hit by a lot,"[/color] Alicia said as she looked down at her. Thankfully Gio was picking her up and not just leaving her there. Glancing over towards James she pointed back into the Kitchen house. [color=ed145b]"Under the sink is a jar of cotton. Grab it would ya? Shove it in her ears and nose."[/color] she asked of him before answering his question. She didn't say anything but she did nod her head in confirmation. [color=ed145b]"Sense overlord, smells, tastes, that's what knocked her out."[/color] Alicia was quick to explain to Gio but then she stopped. She wanted to say something more.but because she had opened herself up fully with her Empathy to make sure that Sophia would be okay she got hit by something else suddenly. It was sadness, complete and utter sadness. And pain. Turning her head snapped and turned, looking North towards the Barn and the edge of the property. [color=ed145b]"Dios mío,"[/color] she said under her breath. [color=ed145b]"They're back..."[/color] she said before she tore off the front porch of the kitchen house, down the road that connected the Kitchen House with the Servants Quarters. She was running as if a life depended on it. [hider=Translations] 1 - My god [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=0072bc]Evelina Lucas[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/b3ca16c4f2bf73f68f35946ba175d1ec/tumblr_mgbkewAp8c1qm0e7eo2_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp - Woods heading towards Abandoned House [b][color=0072bc]Skills:[/color][/b] Administration, Diplomacy, Memory Training, History[/center][hr] Evelina walked with purpose but made sure not to tread too quickly as she listened to what Andromeda had to say. It made sense to her but then again so did many things. Many of which she wished she didn't understand. Ignorance was truly bliss in some circumstances. Nodding she held out her pipe in case the new Paradox wished to have a puff. Some found it relaxing, she did after all these years and it wasn't like she had to worry about lung cancer. [color=0072bc]"That is a good memory, a good feeling. Make that your anchor. If you feel things bubbling to the surface, focus on that. For now, we need to get it under control and then we can teach you how to harness it. There will be times when there is nothing you can do and it will just erupt but for the most part this seems to be an ability that you will have much greater control over than say I do with my dice. Like Alicia and her dreams I hope. Something that is mostly under control. It would make your life here far easier."[/color] Taking a deep breath Evelina looked up and felt a tug in her mind. It wasn't a tug for the dice but there was something else, as if new memories were trying to make their way in to her mind. This happened from time to time with all Emendators. They had a download of all of human history. It was like with a computer, all the files were there but they had to know where to locate the file or have a reason to open it to realize what just happened. The easiest way for this to happen was to be asked, or to know someone involved with what was happening just at that moment. Evelina froze where she was and for the briefest moment a look of terror came across her features. The same look had come to her face when Drem had been taken. Shaking her head she refused to believe what she had just seen and her feet quickened. Turning slightly and walking towards the road again. Coming out of the woods onto the dirt road as Alicia came to a sliding halt, kicking dust up as she gasped. [color=598527]"Mmm... couldn't stop it... Only could get him back..."[/color] George said as he stumbled down the road and fell to his knees. Peter was in his arms, his face and chest were sliced open, looking like he had been mauled to pieces by a ravenous beast. Peters blue eyes flashed as he dropped his cane and blood splattered out of his mouth. Then his body went limp. Evelinas lips thinned. She hadn't rolled for this, the dice didn't speak to her and ask her to. Yet not every death was in her hands. There were powers even greater than her out there, greater than all of them. [color=0072bc]"Destruere..."[/color] she said from behind her tense lips. It wasn't a question. Now that she knew the scene flooded to her mind. All the Emendators would know. The attack happened in an Alleyway of Cairo, the Destruere had shown themselves and claimed another of their own.