[center][h1]Secondary Imperial Command Center[/h1][/center] The command center was abuzz with activity, it had been ever since the resistance started. Yet before it was done in a much more controlled area from the command center at the heart of Uslam, the capital city of Lorya. But due to the cunning plan of Corvall using uslam miners to dig their way underneath outer defenses where sappers placed explosives, all essential personnel were evacuated here. Tensions were running high, the entire planet was in open revolt with imperial forces spread thin. Furthermore, the secondary ICC, was used to facility more military actions rather than administrative duties. It also didn’t have the accommodations for all the additional personnel causing an overcrowding issue, yet none dared openly speak out about it having served under the colonel for awhile now. Jasper hunched down over the holopad that showed the planet with large red blips of rebel activity. Jasper zoomed in specifically over Lorya with a large red dot, his eyes narrowed his as if own failure seemed to spit him in the face. In the Moff’s absence intelligence had revealed that the Prime Minister, and his administration were involved in rebel activity. Under Jasper’s mentor, the now Grand Moff of the outer rim who introduced his own doctrine of fear. Jasper acted accordingly, he order a public execution which was screened over the holonet to the entire planet. Jasper informed the planet of what crimes the men and women had committed and the penalties for committing such acts, which was death. When the shots were first fired the planet was quiet for a mere moment. After the transmission ended reports came from all over about insurgents starting fights with imperial troopers and even from the command center in Lorya, beams of light could be seen in the distance. Jasper was slightly worried but knew of nothing which could breach the outer defense of the CC, nor did he believe the insurgents had the supplies to carry on for long. But within hours Jasper noticed the attacks continued and by the time the sappers blew the outer defense, he called an immediate evacuation of the city to the Secondary command center. All the while he sent a report to both the Moff and Grand Moff about the incidents occurring on uslam. Now he stood here at his lowest point but didn’t let that deter him. Reports had already been coming back from the more of the remote regions of the planet were beginning to fall and a report was just received that the Moff and her envoy were enroute meaning the insurgents time was numbered.