Name: Harmony Age: 9 Gender: Female Race: Human [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] Profession: None Personality: Harmony is a sweet child with a devious mind. Young but bright she has a passion for learning. Despite being devious she is generally nice. Nice to everything except sea farerers which she has a furious hatred for. Sea farerers also cause her trauma, while she is getting better at standing them she still struggles. Equipment/Weapons: Carries a small satchel, a fur coat and a dagger. She also carries robes for Nox. Abilities: None of note. Has basic survival skills. Brief backstory: Born in a rural village on the coast where she lived happily until sea farerers attacked. They raided the village and killed everyone except Harmony who hid. She remained hidden until Nox came along. Striking a deal with him she took revenge, killing the raiding party one by one. Now they travel together looking for someone to teach her magic. Name: Nox Age: 60s Gender: Male Race: [hider=Elemental - Shadow]The elementals are a long lived but small race. Begining life as what appear to be humans they live normally until they turn, changing intot their elemental form. This process normally occurs around adolesence, at 16, but can occur as late as 25. Becoming an elemental gives them control over the element they are formed of and any weaknesses asociated with it. Their mass is fixed with larger attacks or uses requireing an external source. The elementals also contain sub-races sorted by element. While an elemental can belong to any element they're not all equally as common. The most common are the 4 main elements. Elementals are also able to reproduce but the specifics of this process are unknown.[/hider] [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] Profession: Bodyguard. Personality: Nox is prone to rash desicions but is generally content to let people go their way. He isn't much of a tactician, rarely thinking more than 2 steps ahead. Anything concerning Harmony takes priority with the slightest threat setting him off. Equipment/Weapons: Aside from his body Nox has a sword. Abilities: Stealth, Shadow manipulation. Brief Backstory: Nox was born in a southern village spending the first part of his life living as a normal human boy. He played games, read books and chased girls. Mostly chasing girls. At the age of 23, late for an elemental, he turned becoming a shadow elemental. From here he did what all elementals do - left to wander. Nox didn't accomplish anything of note save for trading away his ability to talk for the ability to drink and, more importantly, get drunk. Some time after this he found a raided village. This was where he meant Harmony. Realising she could speak to him he remained in her company. Races: [hider=Elemental] Name: Elemental. Description: The elementals are a long lived but small race. Begining life as humans they live normally until they turn, changing intot their elemental form. This process normally occurs around adolesence, at 16, but can occur as late as 25. Becoming an elemental gives them control over the element they are formed of and any weaknesses asociated with it. Their mass is fixed with larger attacks or uses requireing an external source. The elementals also contain sub-races sorted by element. While an elemental can belong to any element they're not all equally as common. The most common are the 4 main elements. Elementals are also able to reproduce but the specifics of this process are unknown.[/hider]