[@Stormflyx] I’ve finished my review for Raelynn. [hider=Review] Ok so here’s my thoughts: It feels like there is a lot of potential here for a foundation of a character However, it’s also lacking. Her parents are listed, but not particularly mentioned? I’d like to see some more of her family background fleshed out. Also, if she was given an ultimatum to marry someone or be cut off, surely there had to be a reason why they would go to such a severe measure? Was she stubborn and rebellious as a child? Did her parents not want for her to remain at home and siphon off their gold? What exactly did her family pursue financially as a means to support themselves since they were so wealthy? There’s also a hint at her adventures in the bio but there are no examples given to show us how she responded when faced with situations, except for the burnt body dragon encounters? It would help if you could give more accounts of her adventures. She describes her personality as being sweet when meeting people, and then more harsh when people get to know her better. Was she always like this, even as a child? Or did she develop this after a certain encounter? Also, I’d like to see her time at the College of Winterhold expanded upon since she lists Collette as a teacher/mentor. Did she choose to mentor her because she showed great potential? Or was it some underlying factor or event? That’s about all I’ve got! The description and personality were thorough and gave an insight to her as a person. I did have one buff as to how she “always” has 250 gold on her, that’s pretty specific. Is that just because of the limit we set? [/hider]