Liam sipped down the last of the tea from his cup as Alice questioned him regarding his career, his [i]work.[/i] He had expected that question to come up, though that didn't make answering it any easier. As he drained the last drop of honeyed tea, he sat his cup aside, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed, his face holding a straight look of slight sternness. He looked Alice right in the face, holding the serious expression that begat his pale face. "I am a..." he started, his eyes remaining locked on her face,"[b]surgeon[/b]." "A surgeon," he repeated, a little louder than the first time,"you know, [b]blood[/b] and the general works. It's not really a pleasant topic of conversation, least of all now. But to answer your question sweet Alice; I am a surgeon. My work is my very life, my...point of existence." He finished with a slight smirk and a sideways glance out a nearby window before looking back to Alice, his redundantly warm smile of the evening returning once more as he looked upon her. "Is there anything else you wish to know?" He asked kindly.