[color=fff200][b]Yang Bethelehem[/b][/color] Yang looked at the numbers that they had and compared to theirs, she scrunched her face, took a long deep breathe and swung her arms to the sides that the prayer beads around her wrist came forward. With one motion and barely any unnecessary moves, she slipped the prayer beads around her knuckles and a foot slammed the ground into a stance. "Emilio! Get behind me!" She quickly said and guarded Emilio even as she saw Rebecca moved into action, she took the opportunity to scout and saw one of the heavily armored knight went for a beeline for Emilio. "Big guy, take care of that big one!" Yang said to Magnus as shemoved forward and guarded the sides from the oncoming soldier. One blow from a sword came and she raised her fist against it, as foolish it looked to the varjan warrior, the sword was then met with sparks when it connected to her prayer beads. The moment it did, the varjan warrior felt his sword moved away from her almost effortlessly. Like his arms was being guided smoothly. That was the last thing he felt before her fist connected straight to the front of his helmet, creating a loud echoing ring like a bell before the Varjan warrior body was lifted and tossed back right into his comrades. Furthering scattering them apart. "Come on, or are all of you warriors so weak you can't even take two girls at the same time?!" She taunted them and she joined to the sides of Rebecca. Hopefully they're more focused on them rather than Emiliio. [@Silver Carrot][@PaulHaynek][@The Irish Tree]