[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180305/c0b2f46086b4b16664d98d20a98b0b48.png[/img] [img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/ca2018656943365adcc27ed171822636/tumblr_inline_oyqqhoJXOe1t5prjz_400.gif[/img] [color=#547A0C][b][u]Location:[/u][/b][/color] ► Archers car ◄ [color=#547A0C][b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][/color] ► Dante [@Dirty Pretty Lies] Cornelius [@Hushed Whispers] Mikey [@cerozer0]◄[/center][hr][hr] Archer grinned at Sophia as she answered and disappeared in to the group of girl gathering at the front of their house. As he settled back in to his seat he saw Dante sitting there with an annoyed face, Archer jumped as he didn’t think anyone was in the car “Holy shit dude!” he yelped and clutched his chest looking like an old southern lady seeing someone sinning. Dante’s face didn’t change [color=steelblue]“I don’t get why you still talk to her, of all people…”[/color] he sighed. Archer relaxed down in to his seat and looked at his friend[color=#547A0C]“Well you know D, you don’t divorce friends. And besides, you very rarely come up in conversation.”[/color] Archer put a comforting hand on Dante’s shoulder [color=#547A0C] “Mainly because she needs to punch something when she thinks of you!” [/color] he smiled and slapped Dante on the back. Archie knew it was an awkward situation they were in, but it wasn’t his fault he tried to talk to both of them when all of this went down and he refuses to choose sides. [color=steelblue]“Sorry I missed this morning, dude. I was fucking hammered, and I didn’t get to sleep till like after four in the morning.” [/color] Dante said with a small smile on his face letting Archer know his friend had let the subject go, for now. [color=#547A0C] “Mmmhmm yeah I bet, I didn’t remember wearing that shade of lipstick yesterday…”[/color] Archer mused referring to the stained glass he had found on the balcony earlier, he raised an eyebrow [color=#547A0C] “Did someone have a late night lady friend visit? Was it sister chr…”[/color] Archers comment was cut short with the arrival of Cornelius. [color=#986A3A]“Ready to get this year kicked off at the bonfire? I think we should be leaving now." [/color] Cornelius said looking in through the passenger side window. Archer sighed [color=#547A0C]“Yes well, that’s why we’re in the car CJ”[/color] He deadpanned looking at Cornelius as he was immersed in his phone [color=#547A0C]“So are you getting in?”[/color] Archie gestured to the backseat. Another loud noise made Archer jump again when Mikey pounded on the roof of his car [color=#547A0C] “Fuck! What’s with people jump scaring me today, make some sound when you approach!” [/color] he shook his whole body to get rid of the shock. [color=#c6583a]"Wanna race to the beach today? I really wanna burn some rubber. Bet I’ll win this time!"[/color] Mikey asked with hope in his voice, Archer looked towards the cherry bomb and then back at Mikey [color=#547A0C] “What makes you think [url=http://www.youngtimer-blog.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/2011-saab-9-5-aero-turbo.jpg]this[/url] piece of junk can race anything let alone that gas guzzler?” [/color] he laughed and punched Mikey’s arm playfully [color=#547A0C] “We’ll see you at the beach babe!” [/color]. Archer rolled up his window and started the engine and backed out of the driveway and began the drive towards the beach. He connected his phone the aux cord and put on his driving playlist, one of his favorite [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qdM8WdTfH4]songs[/url] started playing and instantly his fingers started drumming on the steering wheel. The drive went smoothly with a short stop at a gas station for cigarettes and snacks, soon enough they arrived at the beach. Stepping out of the car and looking around Archer saw that a lot of people had already started to set up[color=#547A0C] “Well let’s get this party started!” [/color] he said as he put his sunglasses on.