[center][h1]Alisdair[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Alisdair had caught the eye of the more tribal looking woman, he felt a wizened gaze descend upon him and it filled him with excitement. Was she studying him? Curious. Most people in the city would only look to the Scholars at the face value, skilled magicians with a propensity towards charms and talismans, but no one really ever tried to delve, perhaps they thought it rude, like looking a gift horse in the mouth, however, this was exactly the sort of thing that Alisdair was after, a challenge, an opportunity, the form of energy she radiated intrigued him, but if they were anything alike, his would do the same to her. The game begins then, how much can Alisdair glean without giving away his own secrets in turn. From a glance he could see truly very little, she was exotic looking, decorated in a way he didn't understand for the time and the climate, she was clearly a practitioner of some traditional magic, druid, shaman, vulva, whatever she was, it was new, or so old that he hasn't studied it. she was currently watching him, but a staring contest wouldn't do, no, so he waved a hand in greeting and smiled a bright smile. Dairn wanted to tease the woman, something to dangle from the string and draw the fish in close, so he let his sleeve fall back a bit so that the feathered charms on his wrist could show. If his assumption was right, the idea of new charms and talismans would catch the eye, perhaps provoke a introduction, however he chose to not sit about and wait for it, instead he perused the wares of the market absently while never truly letting the woman stray from sight. [@13org]