For Naomi life was so simple and this world held promises for adventure and sights few her world could match, then there was the chance for learning new philosophies and speaking to beings 1,000 years old. Who knew perhaps she'd meet a Royal Family that wanted to retain her as a teacher so that she could become part of a legend. In the end it didn't matter if she lead from this day on a life of quiet contemplation writing down her philosophy for future generations to follow and debate her true meaning. So reaching into one of her 6 pockets hidden in her long dress Naomi pulled out one of her pens and her thoughts notepads which she used to keep ideas she had during the day. [i]Today I stand at the beginning of a journey into the unknown; perhaps I look at it in too positive a light, but who wants to start a trip with a head filled with negative thought. To our Guide, Donny we owe much and I pray risk his safety not but should his life be threatened I vow his safety so long as I have the strength to move. I appear to be a Monk Class individual though I have only visited Monastery in France, Italy and England curious about their histories never to consider the life isolated and pious found there. I am a New Order of Monk and must begin to consider what that means.[/i]