[center][img]http://t08.deviantart.net/3ZSpiSFYooVX8sNOL0olOLTqAcs=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/5f26/th/pre/f/2015/199/8/6/totalitarian_peacefulism_by_americansfr-d91tury.jpg[/img] [h1][color=RED][i]Samgolan Technocratic Union[/i][/color][/h1] [h2][b]Samgola[/b][/h2] [img]http://worldradiomap.com/za/gauteng/sentechtower_03.jpg[/img] After the performance of the D.A.R and the rather lackluster support from the S.D for their own Bill - the Samgolan Technocratic Union decided to take it up a notch - as they failed on getting anything done on the Governmental level, they decided to come lower and try their luck there. As the Liberty Coalition seemed to be performing below their expected capability or at least that was what, the STU was seeing from all the acts - namely from the D.A.R. With everything going as it did - the STU was gambling on their own political stunt, especially with everything that was happening - to boost their support and trust. As millions of Samgolan' tuned into their radio - they were treated to a talk from Nhara Nereal. A former lawyer, seminar speaker and also current face of the Samgolan Technocratic Union to the public. "...I am simply asking as many are likely. On what is the D.A.R doing?" "Still we are battling the National Militias? Still we have unemployment - which might climb once the temporary jobs the government has organized end. People are suffering in homelessness. Almost half of our people are illiterate. What kind of modern country are we trying to build here?" he asked, addressing both the host and the people tuning into the radio show. "The Democratic Alliance for Reform. Where is the reform that they promised? Many people speak, on how compassionate they are. But compassion has to be tempered by reason. The government has given people food to eat and homes to live in, which is good. But have they provided any means for them to continue enjoying it? No. Everything they have done is only temporary - they haven't achieved nothing permanent. They show a kind face - yet will leave nothing that will help Samgola in the long run..." "And Samgolan Dawn. There isn't much to say - the 'No' Party as they are. Whom vote 'Nay' on anything that isn't espoused by their political leaders. Even now, they - the supposed defenders of the poor and down - said no, to reducing taxes on the poor and the middle class. People say, they are simply against the Government. No. They are against Samgola itself - we have seen it through the Bassong Administration - their own leader being jailed and them handing out weapons to the already unstable Ziwa province. Even their supposed 'Official Opposition' is mostly just a gathering of their own 'Yes' Men - with only one member of the Labour Front and that was likely a stunt itself to garner Socialist Voters." Nhara Nereal kept on making small-talk - namely to explain that the STU was open for reducing spending and free market in Samgola. "...it has been shown time and time again - lower taxes, access to the global market with government oversight, an educated population leads to prosperity. Look at America, Europa...even China. The last home of Communism, is relying on a free-market economy. I ask Mister Bassong, why is he against free market? Especially when the support of his government is hovering barely at 38%? Yes. The STU recently organized a gathering of this information, both from official censure, radios shows like this and even from people on the street. Any way you got this. Mister Bassong hasn't the support of half of his people even." Most of the show, was having jabs directed at the D.A.R and the S.D - with barely any mention at the Labour Front and their policies. While any mentions of the Liberal Democrats was kept mostly positive - indication that the L.D was at least willing to work with others compared to their Coalition partner. [hider=Actions] [u]Fundraiser:[/u] Makumbe [u]Fundraiser:[/u] Soussiam [u]Use funds:[/u] $24,450 to rent a spot, with Samgola' most popular radio-host. [u]Reveal Poll Information:[/u] Bassong Government Approval [u]Political Stunt:[/u] Trustworthiness Action Points Remaining: 2/5 Funds: $630,000 [/hider] [/center]