Hello there, I was pointed towards this forum by a friend that may or may not have an account here already. I didn't actually ask. I'm sometimes a bit silly like that. I've been a roleplayer for over a decade, though my first English roleplay happened back in 2013. English isn't actually my native language, so it took me several years to try my hand at roleplay in a foreign language. It's good that I did; now I work as a freelance translator and writer in both English and Finnish. I owe my language skills to three things: 1. Roleplay 2. The agonizingly slow translation speed of Goblet of Fire 3. My argumentative nature and the tenacity to look up boring political and social vocabulary just to tell someone they are an idiot. I like all sorts of roleplays, though mostly I tend to write in original fantasy settings. I don't like playing existing characters, so for anything that is set in an existing universe (like Star Wars, for example), I like to make my own character and an alternate storyline. Oh, and I really like poetry and write it whenever I can. Which honestly is not nearly as often as I'd like. But still. Glad to be on board, ask me stuff if you wish.