A few days after these improved Musket designs are put into production, Cheif Tutanabo orders that the tribes to the north shall be conquered and enslaved. The various military generals and officers carry out these orders without question. The Yahupi confederacy begins invading nearby nations. They march in, wearing their orange armour suits, and orange magical barriers formed infront of them. Muskets firing in between these barriers. They focus on expanding to the north, however these nations aren't like the other ones the Yahupi have fought, they are relatively organized, and they unite into a single nation shortly after the Yahupi started invading them: The Federation. The federation is mainly a democratic state, starkly contrasting the Yahupi confederacy. Much like Greece and Sparta in our ancient history. They are more or less on the same tech level, however the Yahupi prefer more brute force. The federation prefers strategic planning and organize slave rebellions throughout the northern areas, however they are quickly put down brutally. Yet the Yahupi are weakened slightly. The federation uses various tactics that allow them to gain the upper hand in this conflict such as guerrilla warfare, organizing slave rebellions, precise tactics, etc. Life on the battlefields is brutal for either side, the Yahupi not caring about their fallen comrades as they continue to rain hell on the federation with flaming cannonballs fired from cannons, and trebuchets. Marching Yahupi slaughter innocents brutally as they come across and burn the rest alive using flames from their hands. The federation won't give up so easily. Ships begin being built in the areas not affected by the war. A few hours after this war begins with the federation, Cheif Tutanabo was in his throne room, looking at a map of the nation on the wall. "They will fall...all of them..they will all obey ME AND ONLY ME!" he shouts while running his fingers over this map. [img]https://i.imgur.com/EGeP0yj.png[/img]