[h2][right]Rolling a One on a stun check[/right][/h2] [hr] The icy wind blew around the squad as they approached a small camp with a fire still roaring “The reports say all insurgent positions are falling back, yet command has told us to hold positions. What the hell are they thinking? That’s not the way to win a war.” TK-102 said through his comms to his squad which numbered 6 others. They all chuckled save for their commander who told him to knock it off as they searched the small camp which seemed to have been left my either fleeing rebels or some civilians that wanted to make it out of the city during the initial fight. “Fire is still warm, that means they probably aren’t to far. Can we go and check it out.” TK-102 asked to which the senior sergeant replied with a shake of the head. “Negative our orders are to hold positions until given the green light. I’d suggest you be thankful the fire is still warm and that we don’t have to deal with some damn combat. Not that you even know what it would feel like.” TK-304 the sergeant said as he kneeled next to the flame looking out to the forest. TK-102 slumped down next to the fire and huddled it close as did two others while the rest took a defensive position waiting for orders. Little did the squad know they were being watched from a distance, primarily by someone whose expertise it was to kill said type of people. The hunter stalked its prey, moving ever so closer from her snowy hiding spot. The two liberators watched her crawl forward slowly, barely able to hear her shift in the snow as she moved with her Cycler rifle out. All three of them had their weapons pointed at the camp, ready to pounce when the time was right. Soon enough, Kle was in her position close to the ground, barely noticeable if someone wasn’t looking for her. She reached down to her waist and pulled a thermal detonator from her belt, priming it and waiting a moment. Silently, she counted the seconds before throwing it at the imperial position. One of them would be able to get out the words “What the?,” before the explosion hit the squad from the center. The squad all blew back, the three from the center were dead in an instant. Another two were critically injured and couldn’t move. Leaving the sergeant and another trooper left. Both scatter shot into the open snow, as they ducked behind a tree. “TK-304 reporting fire. Squad nearly destroyed, mark on position. Over.” TK-304 reported back while TK-9230 stood kneeled behind a tree with his E-11 aimed in the open. Firing indiscriminately at the open area while the sergeant continued reporting in. Firing in any nonsensical direction was generally not a good idea, but they were desperate and panicked which was what Kle had planned on. She took aim with her rifle while prone, aiming at the one firing before firing. The shot ripped through his shooting arm, allowing the trandoshan to run up behind a tree before they could try and shooting at her. Kle looked around for a way to get past them, before looking at he tree she hid behind. Her claws dig into the thick bark and allowed herself to climb up while her two followers began to lay down a suppressive fire on the the two remaining storm troopers. TK-9230 slumped back as his arm was shot and turned to the sergeant. Shaking his head, while he may not have had the ability to return fire he had a plan. The trooper pulled out a frag grenade and armed it. He then ran out into the open where the two rebels opened fire on his position, while they were trained on TK-9230, the sergeant pulled out his own Frag grenade and threw it at the position which would kill or disperse them allowing him to pick them off. TK-9230 went down but it was too late for the rebels to notice the plan and a grenaded landed in their pit and blew up, killing them both. The sergeant unaware of Kle moved over to where the 2 critically wounded troopers laid and kneeled next to them to give them comfort while reporting him “TK-304, insurgent eliminated, 4 casualties and 2 injured. Request assistance.” the comms officer noted the report and confirmed orders for a dispatch. Kle looked back to see the bodies of the two she had taken with her, their deaths did very little to affect her in any true sense but it was slightly saddening. The trandoshan eventually got into the branches of the trees and slowly moved as to not make noticeable rustling which was hard for a trandoshan. But she could see him talking. Eventually she jumped down and landed next to the trooper, she went to throw him back into the snow and leaped upon him, ripping his helmet off of him. “Give me your name, prey!” TK-304 spit in the monsters face as the his face quickly became red from the snow. “I’ll tell you nothing.” A sadistic smile ran across her face as she wiped the spit from her face.”That’s what I hoped to hear,” she chuckled before pulling out her vibroknife and ran it across the storm trooper’s armor. Kle jammed it into the soldier’s left shoulder and turned it, allowing the blade to do some work. “Speak,” she commanded. “GAH” The sergeant screamed as the knife dug into his shoulder. “I’ll tell you nothing, I’m already a dead man, I know of your work. Let alone the work of trandoshans.” “You know of me? Then my reputation is more widespread than I thought,” Kle cackled before off of the soldier before stomping on his chest. She looked over at the two wounded troopers before stomping down on TK-304 again, but this time on his knee cap. The trandoshan walked over to the two and took their helmets off before dragging them over to a tree. She walked back over to the still conscious trooper and spoke to him, “If you know who I am then I think you know what I do, yes?” She motioned to the dioxis grenades on her belt. The two troopers unconscious by now due to the explosion didn’t move. The sergeant nodded but waved the thought out of his mind. He then thought to himself he still held another grenade and two stun grenades if only he could get to them without the trandoshan knowing. “I d..d..do. Just get it done. B..b….but if you expect me to t..t...talk. I’ll need the warmth from a helmet.” The sergeant said hoping to distract the dumb alien. Kle let out a laugh, “Yet you speak already. You do not need a helmet, just as I do not.” Her eyes scanned the imperial before crouching down, his belt still held a grenade, something she had already used once to ambush them. “I suppose loot is in order,” she told herself before plucking the explosive away from his belt, yet leaving the stun grenades. “I know you will not talk Imperial, even if I dare to kill your comrades. An attribute of loyalty to your emperor,” she stood up and looked to the trees, “I can get you medical help, save you. But you are all merely brainwashed boys, prey to me and my species.” “It’s freezing here, the helmet and suit have heaters. As for us being prey do what you need to do.” The sergeant knew what was coming yet didn’t care. He had prepared for this ever since his first taste of combat. Yet he wasn’t done yet, he used his good arm quickly grabbed a stun grenade and set it off, hoping either assistance would arrive or he would awake before the monster laid in front of him. It was fortunate for the trooper that the trandoshan was crouched over him, close to the stun grenade when it went off. The results were instant as both soldiers were incapacitated from the blast, Kle being sent to her back as she lost consciousness. However, it was up to luck to see if the soldier’s wishes would come true.