[b][center][h2]Paige Kennedy[/h2][/center][/b] After SCPD arrived to take away Bob it was well after 3am before Paige made it back to her apartment. Coming down from the adrenaline and completely exhausted she scantly had enough energy to change into her bedclothes and collapse into the sheets. She was asleep when she hit the pillow and before long was happily dreaming about Hawaiian beaches, a certain private investigator by the name of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIaXl7SqkBw]Thomas Magnum[/url] and red Ferraris. “Damnit Higgins, go away,” She grumbled in her sleep, “Can’t you even knock… we’re busy.” She sighed winsomely. Snoozing away blissfully she had no concept of anything going on outside and continued to sleep through the morning in spite of the raucous noise going on outside. She and Magnum were on the verge of solving another big case when an [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdWQTYZWtso]unusual sound[/url] began to permeate through her dream, something foreign, [i]unnatural[/i]. As the sound got louder, her scene faded away in a flash and suddenly her eyelids were creeping open looking at her dim nightstand from underneath the pillow seeing her phone vibrating and continuing on with its dream-ending melody. She lay still watching it momentarily while her sleep-drunk mind began cursing a violent string of obscenities at forgetting to turn off the alarm. No, it wasn’t the alarm, [i]it was a call. [/i] [i]What the T-total fucking hell…[/i] She reached her arm slowly out to grab the device, but still being half asleep, clumsily knocked over a framed picture and a lamp that also occupied the nightstand. The phone fumbled over the side as well and everything hit the carpeted floor with a dull thud. Becoming more annoyed, she reached for the wall and found the charging cable and began hauling the still ringing phone aboard the bed like an anchor. When it was finally in hand she rolled back over with a huff to the warm spot and looked to see who had first made her shit list for the day. [i]Of course[/i]… She thought and rolled her eyes. The screen simply read: [b]Milo – slide to answer[/b]. Seeing light flickering around the edges of her heavy curtains she looked at the time before swiping her finger over the screen. Her drowsy eyes stared crossly at the call screen hoping he could somehow feel them on the other side of the line. Her mouth was dry and the words came out gruffly, “What is it?” She groaned. [@RoccanIronclad]