Liam smiled at Alice as they shuffled down the alley together, the crowded sidewalk behind them growing distant. No longer resisting, he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and a broad smile to follow. His perfect white teeth glimmered in the darkness. They continued down the alley together, and soon the sidewalk they had departed was nearly gone from view, and the narrow side street Liam mentioned was becoming clear up ahead. There was not a soul in site, no one else in the alley or along the fringes of the street up ahead. Liam suddenly came to an abrupt stop, sliding his arm across Alice's back and pulling her close. He turned completely around to face her, a rather simple smile etched across his face as he gazed into her eyes. "How I hate for this evening to end," he said, a rather melancholy tone in his words,"I was so enjoying your company, my dearest Alice, my evening star." He raised his hand to her face, running two fingers down her left cheek. "Please," he said,"allow me to taste of your sweet lips, let me fall beguiled to your magnificence and your mesmerizing beauty." His words were thick with flattery, and his sly smile held true. (prepare for the bite my next post.) [/hider]