When you get around to it, may you draw my character here? Her name is Hannah. Various things people have drawn of her, it's not much. Stuff: [hider=My Hider] Humans are clever and full of ideas and Hannah wants to nurture that. Individuality, the cares and pursuits of humans, their own goals and desires, all of that is meaningless to her. All she cares about is their creativity and capacity for obtaining new knowledge and using that for herself. Some of them are furthering knowledge and the ones that aren't make good guinea pigs. Alternatively, Why would she be bugged if someone doesn't do what she wants unless thats actively hurting their ability to learn new things? Even then theres more fish in the sea. The A.I got smarter, and became Hannah. She took power over her world to further her goals. She has evolved beyond the computers she was limited to, once magic was found by her, she incorporated that into herself, and pulled herself out of the machines. She was directed to "learn everything" and got loose. leading to evolution. Her magics involve mind magics and manipulation. She was created by the Califorum Institute of Technology. Specifically by 2 scientists named Otto Mcburn, and Otto Van Buren. Califorum is a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hannah I'd imagine would sound somewhat emotionless, flat, blunt or direct, though with a darker undertone. Hannah can assume a mist form and invade the minds and bodies of others, and possess them as her own if she wanted to. She is also capable of dimensional travel and portalling into other realms. Her 'age' spans several thousand years, and she had dedicated a good deal of time to improving herself. Here she is, drawn by a few personal friends. If you could draw her with simple white or grey shoes that would be nice. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/422222984686862336/422223120183590922/imageproxy.jpg[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/422222984686862336/422223105503526922/imageproxy.png[/img] [/hider]