Azurael looked dumbly at T'vor and only reddened in response. "I, uh, maybe." Azurael said, a bit higher than her normal pitch. The discussion with Grim was still playing on her mind. "No, yes, actually I don't know." Azurael continued, quite unable to voice her thoughts. "I am just going to go and pretend this never happened." Azurael said. She turned to go but stopped shy of leaving. "What's the point?" She growled. "I don't know how to say it, but, um..." Azurael was again stuck for words. She was experiencing a lot of inner turmoil as shown by her actions. Her wings began to make tiny shivering movements showing hiw nervous she was as well. "I can face down death but not this" Azurael thought to herself. ........... Asmod looked at the demon nurse. "My name is Asmod Ravul, I have a pet raven, and I have the True Sight." "I can not remember anything else. For example, like where my shirt is and why am I not wearing one?" Asmod said. ...........