Relieved that his horse had calmed down before hurting anyone, Donny approached his mare and patted her face. [color=firebrick]”Good girl. Scary wasn’t it?”[/color] Donny would have to let her roam a bit to help calm her down before hitching her to the wagon. As she started to graze Donny looked to the others. [color=firebrick]”Well then. Not exactly how I’d like to start our little adventure. Is that going to happen a lot?”[/color] Donny would’ve remembered this Odum person if he had fought the wolves with them, but Donny did not. He was just some stranger who presumably was with this group, however he was obviously the black sheep of the mysterious flock. Frankly Donny didn’t like him since he showed up and started to try and take orders and command the place as if he knew what was going on. And while Donny might’ve not had the same level of power or education as some of these people, he at least was local and actually knew where he was and the situation in the area. If Donny had let them all lose last time they’d probably just end up attacked by more wolves, even with Tawny’s abilities with animals. Or worse, soldiers.