Signod knew, deep down in his gut, that he was likely going to be regretting chasing these two bands of brigands off into the forest for the rest of his life. A life, he noted, which might be a great deal shorter due to the afore mentioned actions. Still, he had already gotten himself mired in this mess, so there was no use looking longingly back towards the road he walked in on. Now he just needed to mentally muddle his way through what the best course of action was at the present moment. He had been sort of methodically moving off in the same direction everyone else seemed to be headed in, with only one brief detour taken to save the elven bandit leader's life. He expected no thanks to be given for that action and was not disappointed in this. It seemed she hadn't taken very good advantage of the opportunity he had bought for her and had just gotten right back in to the same mess she started off in. Very well, if that was her decision, there were always others that Signod could help. Now that he seemed to have mostly arrived at the main camp where people seemed to be retreating towards, he could take better stock of the situation. The most notable thing to catch his ear was the sound of someone shouting for help. Threats and bold proclamations were being thrown about willy nilly tonight, but this was one of the very few earnest calls for aid he had heard. The shout seemed to be coming from that bizarre blindfolded man Signod had seen way back at the clearing before things devolved into the current muddled mess. Fortunately, the man and his assailant were both very close at hand. Thinking he might be able to save a second person other than just the elf tonight, he stumped on over to where the pair currently fought, brandishing his axe as he did so. Letting out a cry, he took a mighty swing with the flat of his axe to try and knock the attacker unconscious... And missed. "You drop that weapon of yours or the next one'll split yer skull!" He boldly proclaimed. Clearly, he meant to miss- that was just a warning shot. Or wait, maybe he was just providing a distraction to help the blindfolded man do something flashy? Sure, one of those probably was true. [hider=Actions] Off to help Jacoby, missing the attack with that epic 5. [/hider]