[Center][h2]Heartless-Trainyard[/h2] [@Old Amsterdam][@ProPro][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][/center] Heartless immediately went for his gun as the Chatterbox duplicate confirmed who he was, but was stopped by a crucial fact. Any injuries that this Chatterbox received would transfer to the other Chatterbox. His hand hovered near the gun as he deeply considered whether or not it was worth it to just call him on his bluff and shoot him in the face, but unfortunately they needed Chatterbox. Which meant this incredibly dangerous double from another... reality was coming with them. A convenient van pulled up right next to them, signaling it was time to head out. But Heartless had one last thing to say as he stepped into the getaway vehicle. [color=gray]"Just so we're clear, if it was up to me I would just shoot you in the face right now and get this whole fucking mess over with. Unfortunately it's not, but I sure as hell don't have to listen to you vomit out your bullshit. So if you keep talking, I'm going to have Thunderbolt break your jaw."[/color] With that being said Heartless hopped into the back of the van and motioned for Thunderbolt to follow. It was going to be a long night for the Jacks.