Neil gave a breathless giggle once more at the mention of the Hammered Cock, shaking his head. It was the backwater system bars that really had some charm to them. He'd been in a place called the 'Two Nippled Freak' once. It was the only name he could think that made him laugh more than the Node's quaint establishment. The names of the bars almost made him feel better after having ditched the Goldenhawk. "I don't think we're going to get out of here without some blood being shed." Neil said. "Buuuuuuut, best thing I can think of bar me taking control of the entire Node is using the ventilation shafts." The daring young pilot nodded his head toward one of the blue outlines along the ceiling, indicating a spot where the air flowed throughout the entire station. "Provided we don't crawl right into the actual life support...should be a piece of chocolate chip nutribar." For emphasis, he pulled out another bar and bit down, savoring the flavor. "Or we could just, ya know, shoot our way out." He grinned with a knowing look. He felt like he'd been on enough adventure's with Sayeeda by now that she could tell he was joking, while also being open to the possibility. A minute later they made their way into the Commons, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Junebug had confirmed Neil's suspicions that the people they had seen nonchalantly loitering was most likely a steak out, and once they were in the crowd the two slipped through the throng and melded into the background. Neil even lifted a cloak off a passerby, giving it to Sayeeda to wear while placing atop his head a strange, plasteel neuro-helm equipped with goggles that could apparently view electromagnetic disturbances. Something he had also 'liberated' from someone in the crowd. It suffocated his thick head of hair though, and he was glad when the Hammered Cock was in sight. [@Penny]