Je'Nai walked alongside Asmod with her hands behind her back and her gaze forward. The newcomer's introduction as being a seer hadn't quite fazed her (everyone here had some sort of ability or another so unless it was something extraordinary it tended to lose its panache) but that didn't make it any less interesting. His allegations, however, of someone [i]dead[/i] wanting to contact her is what stunned the young hybrid into a more pronounced state of silence. With her brows arched and eyes widened she forced herself to looked up at him. But Je'Nai could only gape like a fish, her words caught in her throat as she tried to think of something to say in response to his inquiry. Fortunately for her T'vor chose then to intervene. She cleared her throat and attempted to regain her composure. Je'Nai wanted to ask Asmod what he had meant by that but also didn't want to interrupt her superior, T'vor. Maybe he'd be willing to overlook the minor transgression? Je'Nai wasn't sure she wanted to risk annoying him- first impressions are important. Once their little group had finally arrived at the medical tent, Je'Nai waited outside while the others entered... and then promptly stepped back out. Whether that decision was of their own accord or the doctor's orders Je'Nai didn't care, really. She saw this as a chance to go bug Asmod for a little bit and find out more about what he had told her earlier. "If you two will please excuse me. Thanks." Je'Nai ducked her head and passed through the pair before entering the tent. "Asmod, what were you telling me?" [hr] "No need to apologize, that was an awkward position to be placed into and had I been in your shoes perhaps I'd have done the same thing." Ma'ai gave a small smile and crossed his arms, the began to pick at the fabric of his shirt with a forefinger and thumb to keep from fidgeting too much. He was still very tired and the excitement from this little 'surprise' wasn't helping. "Save for the obvious, nothing has happened since I'd last seen you in the cafeteria." He gave a light shrug. "Say, would you like to take a walk with me? I was hoping we could catch up. Unless this is a bad time for you?"