[@King Tai] Kyara looked up after she was pushed forward, jolting back slightly as she saw Kaleem. In a flurry of fear, she assessed her situation. What could be said that wouldn't make her look pathetic? Too late, she realized that Kaleem had begun speaking while she was lost in her thoughts. [color=AFB5B6]"Wait.. What?"[/color] she asked, looking confused having heard only half of what was said. [i]Parents? Attention? Loner?[/i] If she was capable of blushing her cheeks would have surely been bright red. She noticed him looking at her body, and suddenly felt very self-conscious. Was there anything wrong? With a quick glance down she noticed her hands slightly trembling while turning clear and fluid. [i]No, this can't be that bad, can it? Keep yourself together[/i] She gently shook her head in an attempt to reorientate herself and forced her hands to maintain their shape. Looking back up, she attempted to speak. [color=AFB5B6]"Ummmmm..."[/color] She swallowed [color=AFB5B6]"Sorry, I didn't really, well, umm, hear what you said, and well, "[/color]. she finished the sentence somewhat quietly [color=AFB5B6]"....sorry"[/color].