[quote=@Cyclone] [@Kho] I do find it odd that Juras was able to extract some of Vestec's spilled blood. The scuffle itself took place not on the ground but in the (largely shattered, but still flying) Celestial Citadel, and in the aftermath Vestec escaped by teleporting to the Realm of Madness and presumably bled there. But worry not about my nitpicking! You do your ant things and see them done and then resume the doing of your horse things so that I can in turn respond to your horse things with my ogre and desert-dwellr things! [/quote] I seem to remember that the Xos-Vestec battle took place in the ruins of the Celestial Citadel once it had landed. If that isn't the case, I'll edit that bit out Edit: These are the relevant extracts from the post in question: [quote=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4453082]Vestec walked through the shattered halls of the Citadel, following the essence of Zephyrion. ...Vestec skipped through the ruined halls, searching for the Lord of Storms. He found him in the ruined throne room. “Zephy! Forgive me if I’m wrong, but killing your siblings and destroying your own Citadel doesn’t seem very intelligent to do. At best you’ve made yourself a pariah, and at worst you’ve roused the ire of the rest of the pantheon. Kyre was annoying, but certainly not murder worthy-annoying. Why’d you do it, brother dear?” Vestec spread his hands wide, gesturing. “Why’d you do this?” Vestec’s empty words still echoed in the spacious chamber for all the cracks and holes that it had suffered. They fell upon the darkness at rest in the center of the room, but failed to echo back or so much as even rouse it. ... The God of Chaos’ own claws lashed out in defense, shaking the ruins. The two gods thrashed about the ruined palace, the Shade quickly gaining the upper hand. When at last a solid blow landed, Vestec was knocked through a crumbling wall and beaten down. ... In a last bid at escape, Vestec ignited his own body in a wreathe of pulsating fire and singed his assailant. Xos jerked back from the magical fire, releasing his grasp. Vestec was gone in a flash, leaving nothing behind but multicolored blood and destruction.[/quote] Either way, whether the fight occurred while the citadel was falling or once it had landed, Vestec did leave blood behind, and that blood probably ended up somewhere on the desert ground for Juras to gather. And yeah, I've been working on my Rukban post, it has grown threefold over the last 12 hours xP