[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wGumxWP.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/10V9DuTI6n4KSA/giphy.gif[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC4xMk98Pdc]Now they always say congratulations Worked so hard, forgot how to vacation They ain't never had the dedication People hatin', say we changed and look we made it Yeah, we made it[/url][/sub] [hr] [/center] By god, Elena had done it! She had made it through thirteen years of school, and had come all of this way to finally walk the stage. It was a glorious day for the Beverley family, especially Elena. She had been looking forward to this day since her first step in Kindergarten. But damn, looking back now it all felt like a blur. From her first day of kindergarten, to middle school hijinks, to senior prom, to now. It all felt like a speck compared to now. Today, today was the biggest day of Elena's life. Nothing compared to today. There was nothing bigger in Elena's life than finally getting a piece of paper that proved she survived those years in school slaving away and memorizing shit she'll never use again in life. That was it! Once she held that piece of paper, it was all over. High school was officially a chapter of her life that was finished. The cap was thrown in the air and there was that. So long! High school could kiss Elena's ass. She could care less about what happened at that wretched place. She was so glad that she was done with that place. Looking around for her parents, she was holding her against her chest before she finally located them. Locating the people that had supported her all through these years and pushed her to this day, nobody deserved more credit than Thomas and Rochelle Beverley. Hugging her parents, they patted her on the back. That was all that needed to be said about the love and bond that Elena had with her parents. Elena had never smiled more in her life than she did today. She didn't smile this much when she decided to commit to THE Ohio State University. This meant a lot to her, it was clear. Taking a walk off the field with her parents, she had to do the obligatory photo-op with her relatives. She didn't have any siblings, but she had plenty of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who were all happy to see their beloved Elena succeed. Hugs, kisses, and enough leis on her neck to give her a good workout. It was hard for her to see but her dad was happy to take them off of her neck and into his arms. They would be laid out on her bed later. There was no subsequent dinner though, everyone understood that Elena would much rather spend what little time she had left with her friends before they went off to college. Thus, they departed for a meal at her parents' restaurant and let Elena drive herself to Avery's. Finding her cute car in the parking lot by its lonesome, she got in and immediately put on Post Malone's "Congratulations" on her stereo system. It was perfect considering what had just occurred and what Elena had just accomplished. Ice Cube's "It Was a Good Day" would've worked too. The drive to Avery's was as lit as Elena could've made it by her lonesome. The bass was strong enough to register on the Richter scale and set off car alarms. Her music could've been heard across the city. But Elena gave no shits. None at all. She was Elena Beverley, alumni of Lyle Content. No longer a student. She couldn't have cared less about what anyone else was thinking. This girl was celebrating from now to her first day at OSU. Pulling up to Avery's, her arrival was tipped off by her deafeningly loud music, before shutting off abruptly after arriving. Getting out of the car, she made her way up the yard and into the house, ready to party the night away.